Rulers of Gotham

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"We have to get up!" giggled Ace when Joker tried to pull her back into bed. "We-we have subjects to rule!" she said as he started kissing her neck, she was just barely resisting him. "C-come on, I'm the queen! Haha, stop it! Jack, Jack stop!" she squealed as he picked her up and headed towards the bathroom.

"You're MY queen!" he growled as he put her in the shower, he joined her, and they used up all the hot water. When Ace finally persuaded Joker to get out and get dressed, they went downstairs, holding hands. Joker made eggs, the only thing he could make, and they ate together while planning out their day.

"Can we go shopping? I need some new clothes, and frankly, so do you!" she said in between bites. Joker nodded, and when they had finished the eggs, they got loaded up. Ace grabbed the golden gun and knife, while Joker grabbed his silver ones. Once they were armed, Joker selected five random goons to follow them, and they were off. Joker kept to the speed limit, so they wouldn't be confronted before they even had the chance to find some clothes. As they pulled up to the store, Ace got her gun ready, already needing less assistance from Joker. Joker gestured for the goons to set up a perimeter to keep watch for the bat.

They ran into the building, where Joker started shooting at the ceiling, scaring the customers that were already in there. He laughed and then looked at Ace.

"So, let's do this, you go pick out an outfit for me, and I'll do the same. Then we can each pick our own practical clothing, sound good doll?" asked Joker. Ace nodded and ran towards the men's section, already having some clothing in mind for him. She got there and went straight to the vests, (because let's be honest, Joker looks fiiiine in a vest like in the dark knight when he's in his cell!! anyway back to the story) she grabbed a couple of them, some slacks, jeans and sweats, before stuffing them in a bag and heading to the woman's section. She saw Joker standing in front of the mirror, holding up dresses in front of him like he was going to be wearing them. That's adorable thought Ace as she went to the leggings section, not wanting to spoil his fun. She grabbed tons of leggings, shorts, t-shirts, jeans, sweats, sweatshirts, and dresses, shoving them all into a separate bag. Joker came around with two bulging bags of clothes, humming a nameless tune under his breath.

"Ready to go home doll?" he asked her. Ace nodded, and they shoved the bags in the back of the car before peeling out and heading home, this time much faster. They got home and threw everything on the bed. Ace rubbed her belly, starving. She glanced over at Joker, to find him leaning against the bed, snoring lightly. Ace chuckled and crawled over to him, putting her head in his lap, she promptly fell asleep.

She woke up, feeling Joker move beneath her, and saw that he was staring at her. She got off his legs and pulled him to his feet, ignoring his complaints. She went downstairs, with Joker following her, and scrounged the kitchen for anything edible. She found a frozen pizza in the freezer, and decided that would have to work, and tossed it in the oven. She felt hands encircle her waist, and a kiss on her neck.

"I love women who are good in the kitchen," he growled into her ear. She laughed and looked up into his eyes in adoration, and kissed him again. He tried to drag her away from the oven, but she held on to it, saying "No! I'm hungry!". Joker gave up and sat down by the table, watching her. She took the pizza out when it was done, and cut it up for them. She brought over his plate and set it in front of him. He picked it up, not noticing the steam coming off it and took a huge bite. He started waving his arms really fast, fanning the steaming pizza in his mouth, while jumping up and down. Ace laughed at his adorableness.

After they finished their pizza, Ace glanced at the clock. 2:00, she sighed and turned back to Joker.

"Jack, can we do something today?" he looked up at her, slightly startled at the fact she had used his real name. It had been years since anyone had called him Jack.

Joker and his AceNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ