Charachter List

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Mya- Mya is the peppy all around nice girl. She is more outgoing than any of her friends. She is simply friends with everyone. Everyone knows her, everyone likes her. More than anything she longs for love. But she wants someone to treat her right. Not some idiot football player who would only date her for her looks. When someone has an eye out for her will she let them in or stand her ground to keep safe from what appears to be one of those idiots.

Clara- Clara was the head cheerleader. And everyone knows her because she is popular. She is the most popular girl in school in fact. Calum Hood was her boyfriend. They never leave each others side. Holding hands in the hallway, giggling with each other at lunch, having silent conversations in study hall. Clara is the good girl, roaming the halls with Calum. But only in school. After school comes partying, drugs and alcohol. But only Clara and Calum knew that. Will Clara be able to keep her secret bad girl side on the down low? Or will it be revealed?

Tori- Tori is quiet, but not around her friends. Because that's was where she was comfortable. She wasn't really into the whole socialize with the popular people at school dances and football games. She would much rather be listening to music alone at home. Her friends want her to get out more. Will she listen to her friends because they know what's best for her? Or is she after someone else?

Mae- Mae is the girl that was shy around some people but obnoxiously loud and outgoing around others. And she liked that. She was the artist. She was the storyteller. She was the photographer. She was the one everyone knew about because she was there for everyone. She was always around, ready to listen, ready to help. When she sees someone interesting, she wants to go after them. But will things work out?

Calum- Calum is always happy. He was always prepared to brighten your day and make you laugh. He's Clara's boyfriend and he'll do anything for her. It was a promise they made. But what happens when Clara asks him to do something he never expected her to ask? Will he go through with it or will he turn her down for once?

Ashton- Ashton is the one in the band. He played drums. He was only in the high school band because he was forced with his passion for drumming outside of school. He has problems though. Voices that stop him from being the happy guy with the brightest smile and the loudest laugh out of anyone in the whole school. That was who he really was. Will he be able to return to himself with the help of a certain stranger?

Luke- Luke is the star football player. The one everyone knows and worshiped. Every girl in the school was after him but he turned most of them down. One by one. Was it because he thought he was too good for them or because he was waiting for someone else to come into his life?

Michael- Michael is the one that sits on the bleachers. The one that plays video games the entire time. Only to glance up at the score every once in a while or sigh when people cheered. He only went because his parents made him get out of the house to try and make some friends. He doesn't think that will ever happen. But what will he do when someone sits down next to him?

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