||•••Chapter five•••||

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I walked down the hallway, dreading the fact I had to go to Science. I stopped when I head Clara call my name. I spin around to see her walking up to me.
I've been avoiding nearly everyone today,including Mae and Tori who continuously asked if I was alright. I was in an okay mood until after Calum asked Clara to homecoming. After that Luke came up to me. I was alone which led him to back me up against a wall, just like at the party. He once again asked me what my problem was. So I replied with "you" and walked away. After that I've been avoiding him every time he tried to come up to me again.
"Have you seen Luke?" she asks looking around.
"No I haven't" I snap
"Hey are you still mad about that"
I laugh "No I'm good perfect actually" I say sarcastically turning back around
"Mya!" She yells from behind me.
"What?" I groan
"Do you want me to talk to him?" she asks
"No! Don't" I yell. If she talks to Luke he'll think it's an excuse to talk to me. And he's already tried multiple times. I had no idea why he did but he did.
"Fine" Clara eyes me suspiciously "I'll see you later"
"Yeah" I nod sighing
I hadn't gotten much sleep lately and I was in a horrible mood. I think it's because the situation with Luke reminded me of Jake. Which only brought nightmares.
I stood there, just staring at the ground and thinking. I decided I should get to class so I turned around, still looking at the ground as I made my way to my class. Less than 5 seconds later I ran into Luke. Speak of the devil.
"Sorry" he mumbled stepping back nervously
I didn't say anything, just glared at him as I walked away.
I heard him sigh before he ran up next to me.
"What do you want Luke?" I groan
"Nice to see you too" he says rolling his eyes.
"Get away Luke"
"No we're in the same Science class you know."
I stop in the middle of the hall.
"No we arent."
He pulls a crumpled piece of paper out of his pocket, his schedule.
"Is now, a bunch of people got their schedules changed" he smirks.
My eyes widen as I snatch the paper out of his hands.
"How did you know I was in this class?"
"It's the only sophomore class in this hall I just assumed don't worry I'm not stalking you" he says
I shove the paper toward him, walking off once again.
"Hey wait up" he groans
I ignore him, swinging the door open and walking inside.
He glares at me, walking up to our teacher as I yank my chair out, plopping down on it.
He talks to the teacher for a few minutes before the teacher nods towards me and Luke smirks at me.
That's when I realized the seat next to me was empty.
"Fuck" I mumble
Luke walks towards the desk and drops his bag on the ground, sitting down in his chair.
I roll my eyes and he laughs, pulling out a pen and sticking the cap between his teeth as he flips through his notebook.
"Good morning guys can you pull out your lab worksheets and get started on your experiment, the instructions are on the board I'll be right back" Our teacher says, before walking out of the room. You gotta be fucking kidding me.
Luke smiles "Guess we're lab partners"
I cross my arms "no way"
"Is this science or is this Chemistry?" he laughs looking around the room.
"Haha very funny" I roll my eyes
"So what the hell are we doing in this class anyway?" Luke asks me
"Science?" I mutter, annoyed.
"Ok what the fuck is wrong with you?" he groans
I scoff
"Look It was a party. P-A-R-T-Y. That stuff happens no need to get all pissy about it."
My eyes widen.
"Are you serious?" I couldn't believe he would say that after Jake. When he-
"Yea I'm serious calm the fuck down"
"Ha okay" I nod "Tell me Luke when is your next party?"
Luke leans back in his chair, messing with his lip ring.
"Well, it was supposed to be Friday but I got detention."
"Surprising" I laugh "what for?"
"I got in a fight can we drop it?"
I stare at him. "why the sudden change Luke what's wrong?" I tilt my head at him, smirking obnoxiously.
"Don't start this" he growls
"I didn't start anything"
"You kinda did"
"Whatever have fun in detention"
I roll my eyes, pulling out my phone and unlocking it.
I begin texting Tori but the teacher walks in and snatches it from my hand.
"You know the rules Mya, detention, Friday."
My jaw drops.
"I will now" Luke smiles at me, tilting back his chair once more.
I was about to break down and cry by now. I couldn't get any sleep, I had to sit by Luke every day now, and I had detention with him on Friday to look forward to. Class was the worst, but only because he stopped talking to me. Which should be fine, it's what I wanted. But it was so odd that it made me suspicious. The only thing he ever did was smile at me when he entered the class room.
Sleep was another thing. With so many thoughts buzzing through my head and crazy dreams that woke me up when I was only asleep for ten minutes at the least it seemed. I began to just sit there and stare at the wall. I would text Mae because she was always up late, doing who knows what whether it was painting, stressing over homework, scrolling through her Twitter feed.
Tori was the same way but I felt bad bugging her because she was normally reading, and no one likes to text while their reading.
And then there was detention on Friday. It wasn't my first detention. Their was that one time Mae and I got detention for being too loud in Photography. But that was when I was with Mae. This time I was all alone. Well not all alone I would be with Luke. Which was even worse. I couldn't imagine how Luke acted in Detention when he was already such an asshole everywhere else.
So I was really stressed to put it lightly. As Wednesday rolled around I walked to school with even more dread.
My morning classes were fine. So I ended up actually skipping to Lunch that day.
"Well you're unusually happy today." Tori laughs. I smile at her.
"Hi!" Mae yells, slamming her binder on the table and shaking her hair out off her face, trying not to let it touch her hands.
"You have paint all over your-" Tori tries to tell her.
"Yea I know Tori" she mocks her, laughing.
She walks off towards the bathroom. Clara tries to duck past her but Mae reaches out and smears paint on Clara's forehead.
"Aw Mae!" Clara yells
When Clara reaches our table she sets her stuff down, cautiously staring at me.
"What?" I giggle
"Your in a good mood today"
"I am" I smile
She grins, pulling out her lunch.
When Mae gets back she plops back into her seat, her hands now clean.
"Mya are we going to the game Friday?" Mae asks
Shit I had detention. Wait no the game wasn't till after detention. Which meant Luke's party would have been way later than detention. So why couldn't he have his party?
"Uh yea after I um get out of detention" I stare at my hands.
"You got detention?" Tori asks "For what?"
"Trying to text you in Science class" I snap. My bad mood was back.
"What?" Tori asks
"Mya it's fine we've gotten detention before-" Mae tries to tell me
"No it's not okay!"
"But Mya what-" Mae interrupts again
"Why are you so upset?"
I groan but before I can say anything else Clara speaks up understanding what was wrong.
"Luke has detention Friday"
"What about Luke?" Calum says walking up behind Clara.
"I'll see you guys later" I stand up, grabbing my stuff and walking off.
They don't chase after me. Mae tries to but I hear Calum tell her to stay and let me cool off. Fine by me. I reach the science classroom and sit down outside. Having nothing to do now since class hasn't started yet.
"Mya?" Luke asks walking up to me
"I don't want to talk to you right now Luke" I sigh
"Well okay" he simply states, sitting down next to me.
I glare at him. "what are you doing"
"Am I not aloud to sit here? I have nothing to do"
So we sit there in silence. Staring at the wall.
"Why aren't you having a party Friday if it's long after detention?"
He laughs "why are you eager to come back.
"Shut up Luke why aren't you?"
"Because I have plans"
I nod.
He only grins. Which scares me. When the bell rings we walk inside, sit down, and don't say another word for the rest of the class.


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