Chapter 3

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Beau was livid. Sitting on what was left of the burning headquarters of Corvus Vale, going over the events that had stymied his grand plan. The woman Charlotte whisked away to some unknown facility and the descendant or, he corrected himself, descendants had been taken by some unknown faction in the Vale. The Board had met with the Chairman and the quack at the Pahrump facility without his knowledge, for what purpose he wasn't sure. Jeremy, his clerk, turned coat and ran, spilling what little information he did know to the authorities. And, finally the Black twins had again put themselves smack dab in the middle of everything.

His cell rang. "Yes?" He didn't recognize the voice, but it was a number he'd seen previously – one of the Nazi faction's burner cells. That's just great. "Who may I ask is calling?"

"I have Mr. Harold for you sir." Hamilton? Why would he be reaching out to him? Unprecedented to say the least. That cabal had taken a huge hit earlier in the year, again directly because of the twins' interference. "Beau, Hamilton here, we have a matter to discuss." There was a definite undertone of superiority in the speech. The members of that off-shoot tended to be extremists, grandiose in their agenda; normally not stopping at anything to obtain their goal. The accountant had often likened them to Hitler and his self-indulgent vision of world dominance. Force before negotiation; an iron boot to herd the masses in the correct direction. Eliminating all those who stood in their way. The Chairman had been the stabling hand that had kept them at bay the last decade, albeit it wasn't an easy task.

"Mr. Harold, I am surprised to be receiving a call from you. How may I assist?" It would be better to be civil in this matter. At the bare minimum, until he understood the reason behind the call.

"I think we may have a serious problem, a part of which you are involved with, I dare say. Considering you didn't attend the meeting this evening, I can only assume you have your grubby paws all over it." What? This was disturbing.

"I'm quite positive I don't know what you are referring to. I was unaware of the meeting that was called. In fact, I was going to bring the subject up with the Chairman but ran into some difficulties of my own." An exasperated gruff and snort came through the line.

"If you happen to engage with the Chairman I would be grateful for the outcome of that meeting, considering he cannot be located at this time. We have called every number, including his clerk's. They are no longer in service. I was hoping you could check his offices for me." Things started to click into place for the coordinator, speculation the old fox had outsmarted them all.

"That would be most difficult to do sir."

"Why....can you not just walk down the hall and check in? That doesn't seem to be too tedious of a task for you to undertake. I'm asking as a senior member of the Board."

"I can't walk down any hall. The building is gone, fire; I'm waiting for someone to come and pick me up."

"I beg your pardon!?" All this civility was getting under his skin.

"THE BLACK TWINS, do I need say more? Regardless, the Paradise offices are no more." There was a brief silence on the other end of the phone. Then a frantic exchange of outraged voices, obviously the information had been relayed to the other members.

"When your ride arrives, present yourself to the facility in the cultural district. We have things to discuss." The line went dead. He had no intention whatsoever to attend the Board. With the present circumstances in play, his only choice was to regroup. He had to get Tallis and now probably Decker, then find Charlotte. After he got the team back in place his first matter of business would be finding Charles. The Chairman had been playing his own little game and more than likely had spirited the children away or had them sequestered somewhere. He would then deal with the twins.

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