Chapter 21

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"They're at the Archive." Beau looked up from the reports he was reading. Back in the Vale headquarters he was making himself at home.

"What do you mean back at the Archive, weren't they out in southeast Asia or something?" That was the last 'official' reported whereabouts. Of course, they were fairly certain they were the direct cause of the disaster in the Hopi traditional tribal lands.

No sightings of the twins had been reported for the last month. Speculation was they had recovered their babies and were again hiding from public scrutiny.

"Any sign of the brats? Charlotte?"

"No, nothing." Okay if they were at the Archive, at least it was a place to start. The treasure was still out there, for the taking. All he needed were the kids or the twins, whichever he could get his hands on. He didn't care about the Vale's overall plans, the principals other than the fact there were connections with government and leaders of industry. He could work with that.

"It'll have to be the Black twins then, if we're going to get what we want." He called his remaining crew, giving them instructions to get the two men anyway they could. After he extracted the information he required, well then they could put an end to them both. As for Charlotte's demand to keep Jonathan healthy – what was the point, she wasn't in the picture any longer and he couldn't see a reason to bother.

The casts had been removed that morning, Cynthia had come by to check them out. Jonathan's arm was healing but the damage to his tendons was serious, it looked like he would be wearing at least a sling for the foreseeable future. They had the assistance of their group to help with routine tasks and keep their spirits up.

David and Robert were to be coming home but, on the advice of everyone, including the doctor they would stay with Charles, Percy and the nanny for the next week, at an undisclosed location. Mike and Kay had received communications from their CIA contacts that something was in the works, against the brothers. Not exactly sure who but, there was definite chatter on the dark web, something big. Contracts had been offered up with a huge incentive attached.

Security was increased and there was a total complete media blackout. Jordan and Vivian were warned to stay away from the computers, phones and anything else that connected to the outside world, for the time being.

Kay was in one of the back workrooms, completing a report when she heard the cannister. "No, that can't be happening. And, how is it...." She never finished, the knockout gas did its work. Decker had reasoned that the best approach would be to do it arms-length. Instead of trying to out and out shoot the brothers, why not introduce a toxic agent to subdue any in the building.

The time had been carefully chosen. The security teams were between shifts. Kay was assigned to the brothers' personal protection, by choice on this day. The others had gone somewhere, all of them. Beau, when advised and didn't care where everyone else was, he was more interested in the two brothers.

The team found them in two of the bedrooms, passed out. It was noted that they were both incapacitated in some way. One had something like a fiberglass support on his left arm and the other appeared to have casts on his ankles. This was perfect, they would be in no shape to fight them when they regained consciousness.

James' team had watched the entire episode from across the street. They had this planned. Kay had arrived a day earlier with news they had found Tallis, in a café down the street from the Archive. She had dyed her hair and was wearing jeans and a black tee shirt, trying to be inconspicuous; fading into the crowd similarly dressed. A surveillance team snapped a picture and when shown, Jonathan smirked and said he'd never forget that face, definitely Tallis.

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