Chapter 23

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" are we feeling today?" The woman looked up from the magazine she was reading. It still bothered her, this whole situation. They came in daily, talked to her but didn't tell her anything. Her thoughts jumbled around, fuzzy at times. They told her she was ill, okay, with what? Never seeing anyone else, other than the nurses and doctors, and the old dude, she assumed she was in some kind of long-term treatment center. It had been a long time, she couldn't remember the date she got here.

"Better I guess. I don't have anything to base it on other than what you tell me." The ones that came to talk to her, the therapists wouldn't actually enter the room, talking to her behind the glass partition. "Is there a chance I can go for a walk, somewhere other than in these two rooms?" The orderly looked at his patient/prisoner. Mr. Black had put restrictions on what could be discussed or allowed, right down to what she was given to wear.

Geoffrey had worked with James Orwell Black for years, usually in regards to the health and well-being of those in his employ. This woman; however, was a special case. Still unclear exactly who and why she was being 'treated' here at the farm, he was of the opinion she was being unjustly dealt with. That was until about two weeks prior when his conscience got the better of him and he had gone into the space, to give her a little human contact.

The mistake had cost him a broken hand and bruised pride. It was only by chance one of the other orderlies had been doing a supply check.

Yes, this woman was more dangerous than any of them had guessed. He had made them all aware after his reprimand from James.

Today he was giving her the news she would be having visitors. He was to prepare her and also slip her the sedatives in the midday meal. "I have your lunch Charlotte, looks rather interesting, some kind of Italian dish, something you said you like." He got a sly smile as she approached the window where the panel she received items through was located.

Taking the tray she set herself down in front of the viewing window and started to eat, always keeping an eye on him. Clearing his throat he coughed once. "And, you will be having some visitors later tonight or tomorrow." The fork dropped to the table and she stared through him.

"WHO?" One of her mood swings. Geoffrey was not going to stay and listen to the oncoming tirade, quickly leaving the room and closing the door to shut out the string of superlatives and threats.

"I guess she doesn't like the news....or, was it the lunch this time?" James had been on his way down to check on his current charge. Geoffrey shrugged his shoulders.

"Who the hell knows. I don't understand why we still have her here sir. It doesn't seem she's getting any better. Wouldn't it be wiser if she was in some kind of psychiatric institution?" James had heard this all before, from almost every one of the staff, doctors included.

"As I have said before, that will not be possible." He wasn't about to explain the reasons; however, he was reaching out to some of the organization's elder members, those located in Japan and Australia. Now that the destructive elements had been eliminated there could be a chance that some of the medical advancements could be employed to help this woman. Until that time his only goal was to have the reasons behind her vendetta towards his grandsons revealed and to break her obsession with Jonathan. The boy still had issues surrounding that time of his life.

If there was the slightest possibility of rectifying that, it would complete his task and give him and the twins a little redemption.

He knew his grandsons were struggling. First with the monumental task regarding the secret treasure and then dealing with the fallout from the last three years of their lives. James was hoping they could come to some kind of terms with themselves to move forward before David and Robert joined them.

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