Chapter 17

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Managing to slip away, they took seats in the back of the train. They were on the way to Krabi after checking out the venue in Ratchaburi. The space was adequate for what the group had planned. There were some adjustments that would have to be made with the reflective mirror for the Pepper's Ghost and the trap door had to be constructed in such away and angle to take the focus away from the actual exchange but it would work.

The brothers had to talk and discuss what had been paramount in both of their minds. The others were starting to notice and that made it just that much harder.

"I don't know Cam, the last time we went off script all hell broke loose. Everything went sideways. I'm not so sure this time, it's the right call." Jonathan wanted desperately to find his kids and end this but also knew, at this juncture, it would not be possible.

"You know we have to do something or things will not proceed. I've seen the signs; the Vale has been keeping really close tabs on us. It's all fine and dandy with the exchanges and whatnot but, do you really think that has fooled any of them? I don't. Remember I've dealt with these people a lot longer than you have. I'm telling you they have a lot more in their arsenal than any of the others realize or, want to believe."

"We're keeping things from them again Cameron and this time we're keeping both Kay and Jess in the dark. Do you think that's wise? You told me she meant everything to you. If we do this, she'll never forgive you, if it goes south." He had thought about it a lot. He loved Kay beyond anything that was reasonable. This idea of his would more than likely get them killed but it was better than waiting around not knowing what was coming and when.

They'd managed to talk in depth about all of it. The first priority were the twins, when they were found they had ensured one of their shadows, provided by James, would spirit them away to safety. It was close now that they had Percy on their side, or at least assisting them.

Jonathan had arranged for them to meet with their lawyers just before they left New York. The wills had been updated leaving the Archive to Robert and David in trust. Dina would be the executor and the caregiver in case they didn't make it back. Provisions were made for Gunter, Jordan and Vivian. The hardest were the letters they wrote to Kay and to Jessalyn. Both men had finally found what they had been looking for all their lives and now had to face the fact that this could be the end.

The others in their employ, including Mike Alvarez and his family were named as beneficiaries of different investments both Black brothers had set up. None of their circle had been forgotten.

"What about James?" Cameron looked up at his brother, the person he had been with since day one.

"I'm sure he'll come out of all this just fine, he's managed so far don't you think?" Jonathan returned his gaze to the countryside, watching the landscape slip by.

"MMMM....I suppose. But, without his assistance we wouldn't even attempt this." That was true, nothing had been explained to their grandfather but, they had requested and received the information and manpower they believed they needed. Cameron was lost in his thoughts. The last time he had developed a plan he ended up in a coma, Jonathan ended up on the run and they ended being targets for a clandestine organization that were stopping at nothing to take them out and abduct their family.

"Dina is going to be pissed off royally!" Cameron snorted.

"She sure is. But it can't be helped, you agreed with me. This is crazy shit and the only way we're going to make sure the rest of our family is safe, is to face the Vale on our own. We have to shut them down, stop all this nonsense."

Jonathan couldn't stop fidgeting. They had made the commitment, he would go through with it. As always, supporting each other to the bitter end. The remorse he was feeling was the emptiness he was experiencing. Jessalyn meant the world to him, he'd never had that before now. He understood Cameron. So, if his brother could do this, so could he. "What know?" Cameron was fingering the velvet box, like he'd done so often over the past few days. He desperately wanted her to know how he felt, show her what she meant to him.

Deception: Redemption...Is A Bitch (Book Four)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن