Chapter 10

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Beau was trying to decide the best course of action, to get his agenda back on track. The only problem was the Vale was now actively looking for him. His small crew was in the midst of trying to extract Tallis and Decker from custody. He thought it would have been easy to get them out but the FBI had put them under extra security frustrating his team's efforts. Once they were back in play, he may be able to set things in motion again.

As for Charlotte, as far as he could discern, she vanished. Presently he was at a standstill with his only course of action was to try and find the woman. He'd ventured back into Las Vegas, in disguise of course, to locate the facility to which Charles had sent her. A few bribes to the right people and he had found she had been transferred to the Treatment Advocacy Centre.

He had presented himself to intake asking to see his sister, who had been brought in for treatment in the last week. He shouldn't have been surprised to find no record of her being admitted. At first, he thought Charles had used a pseudonym but dismissed that notion when he had one of his agents scope out the facility. The woman was not there, and no trace of what may have happened to her. Hacking into the surveillance cameras situated outside of the facility was the only way to discover if she had ever been there, some kind of image would have been captured; the endeavor was tedious but fruitful.

A few days earlier, late in the evening a group entered the building and within minutes had removed Charlotte, in a straightjacket to a black van. The images weren't clear enough to see who they were. Beau did not believe it was the Vale but were ex-military of some kind. The van's windows were blacked out and these individuals were stealthy, prepared and fast. He had the plate number but that wouldn't necessarily bear fruit; if he were doing something like this, the first thing he'd do was ditch the vehicle. Whoever had instituted the abduction had erased any and all information in regards to Charlotte.

His team were trying to track the vehicle down, find out where it went then proceed from there. Obviously, it was going to take some time so Beau had returned to his solitude. He would just have to wait.

Hamilton was enraged. The Board was in turmoil, they couldn't locate the treacherous accountant, no one had heard from the Chairman or his aide and the twins had gone underground. He knew they were somewhere in New York but, when his team arrived at the Archive, they found it deserted. No indication of anyone being there for an extended period of time. Some personal items were not present; however, that would have been expected, they had been in Las Vegas for the previous two months or so.

He insisted his team canvass the neighborhood and see what they could find out. Maybe someone had seen something. He also called in favors from his contacts deep within law enforcement including the FBI, it was possible he could find the Black brothers through their association with the agents.

He slammed the phone down, huffing in exasperation. The agents had both asked for leaves of absence and would not return for months. "That's just damn well perfect!" He started pacing his office, his considerable bulk jiggling with each move. "Rufus, get me the file on Beau, maybe there's something there we've missed. The teams are busy trying the find the Chairman and Percy, the twins are in the wind for the moment, there has to be someway we can salvage this mess." It took a few minutes before the clerk returned with the requested file.

Hamilton was adept at reading between the lines, it was a bit before he saw a notation. Family liked to spend time in the mountains. There must be some kind of place they would sojourn to, so that would mean there is probably some kind of documentation for title. It would be somewhere, either here in New York or in Nevada. A quiet place to destress. His mind was sorting through what he knew of the man. Had he talked much about his family life? Not really other than the fact they loved the warm weather and it had been a challenge when he moved north to New York. The memory of one Board meeting when they were all enjoying an after-dinner libation sharing memories of lost days. The accountant had been thoughtful, told the group of a summer when he had returned to the Las Vegas valley, to enjoy the heat, he had missed it. Knew it wasn't for everyone, but he loved the dry heat; New York was great during the spring and summer but winters were harsh and he was still not used to having to bundle up in the fall.

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