Chapter 13

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After explaining his predicament, using the excuse they had come up with about the children's mother and the added problem of being stuck in Australia, Percy managed to convince his cousin to fly down to transport them to Bangladesh, India. He had to promise payment in cash for her pilot and fuel but it was worth it to get off this island within twenty hours rather than three days, which was the last estimate Carswell had indicated.

Charles wasn't thrilled with the amount of time but, it was something. From India they would travel by land across into China and then eventually to Japan, probably by boat. Once in the shrine he would breathe easier, confident the children would be safe and protected.

The pilot arrived on the island just after midnight, they were packed and waiting. Carswell had discovered them as they were leaving.

"Charles what's this now? I had a boat coming in the next day or two. How'd you get a plane out here?" Percy was busy loading their luggage and the babies onto the plane.

"I still have some contacts Carswell, thought it better to get going as soon as we could. I don't feel safe, even here under your excellent protection. This is better. We are travelling to Bangladesh, should be there in about eleven hours or so. Thank you again for your hospitality." With that he turned, hopped into the plane and strapped himself into the seat for the long flight to India.

Upon take off Carswell was on the phone to James alerting him with the change in plans. Fortunately, he'd already set up a contingency and re-directed the team to India, they should arrive to shadow Charles and Percy in plenty of time. Gunter had already given him the head's up with regard to what his impetuous grandsons had done.

After thinking it through he decided it wouldn't disrupt the final contingencies and could provide the boys with more incentive to learn what they needed to. Time would tell.

The news story broke all records. Every streaming service, tv station, media outlet played the interview appealing for assistance. Speculation was running rampant which brother was the father? Who did he marry? Was he married? How long, where did they tie the knot? They watched in fascination the broadcast with the rest of the team. Neither had much to do with broadcast news and the frenzy this one small story had created, slapped them up the side of their faces.

They knew intellectually how the news would affect the public but had discounted a lot of the hype not believing they were that big of a draw. This definitely proved that concept was in error. "I can't believe this; all this speculation is ludicrous we're just not that interesting." The women were quietly raising their eyebrows and chuckling to themselves. Men could be so clueless at times.

"Now that the story is out there, we'll set up a call center here at the Archive, the doubles will be arriving in about an hour. You two have to keep hidden if you're here in the building, we want the deception to be flawless. Let the Vale and anyone else believe it to be your doubles, eventually you'll be able to stay out longer periods of time, when the idea cements with those stalking you find only the imposters each time they look. It's a good plan, so off down to the sanctuary till later on this evening, I'll come and let you know when it's safe. Make sure the alarm and booby traps are re-set. Understand this if the Vale comes a calling, they'll assume you are down there, let's make it obvious they can't get in easily. When and if they do arrive, you'll have time to 'disappear'." The twins nodded and retired down to the sanctuary. They were planning on sifting through everything again, to look for this letter that Vivian was still insisting was somewhere in the complex.

As predicted, the booby trap was set off within the first two hours. Another attempt had the alarms sounding later on in the evening. The twins secreted themselves in one of the many hidden panels at each incident. This continued for a few days, each time the booby trap would be employed, alarms would start sounding, Kay and crew would come running down. Sometimes catching the intruders, others not being so lucky.

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