Chapter 9

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James watched through the window as the woman was lead from the vehicle, secured in a straightjacket, a specially fitted one to ensure her confinement. She was a very beautiful looking woman. Her hair was cut at shoulder length, medium brown, fine features and odd eyes, two toned. "Ah, she must still be wearing the contacts?" A non-committal grunt came from his aide. "Have her brought into the drawing room; I'd like to have a talk with her. Make sure that she's not overly medicated." He wanted to see if he could find out the underlying cause of her obsession with his grandson. It wasn't healthy; her relationship would have to be kept secret, at least for the time being. But, he wondered what had set her off? There had been some indication it had to do with Sebastian but that was old news. She couldn't possibly remember that episode; she couldn't have been more than two or three the last time he was in her life. No, there was the time in the Ukraine when Cameron fell ill and Jonathan had ended up meeting this girl. Sebastian had made a huge stink forbidding any further contact. Could that have been the catalyst? That didn't seem to track.

Entering the darkened room he watched a few moments before taking a seat opposite Charlotte. "Do you know where you are Charlotte?" Her eyes grew wide with unsaid questions, indicating in the negative but didn't verbalize. "Would you like to know?" A shrug and he tried again. "Will you speak to me? After all, I did have you released from the Treatment Centre, you do know that correct?"

What he had first thought a drug-induced apathy was banished when something flashed through her eyes.

"I know you have questions and that you understand everything that is going on. I'm not sure why you want to pretend you're in a drugged stupor; however, that won't work with me. It's your choice obviously but I thought you might like to have a normal conversation. I mean it has been a few months, you've been through quite a bit I dare say...."

"You're damn right and it's because...because..."

"Because of Jonathan, Cameron or, is it someone else or something else?" Her mood changed at once, wistful and woeful, if he were to guess.

"Where's Johnny? He should be here, he promised to help." The obsession with his grandson was disturbing.

"Charlotte, what is Jonathan to you?" Her head whipped up, startled.

"He's mine, not his brother's....mine. He should be with me." James was confused. What he'd been told of her and the mental illness didn't seem to run a normal course. She was aware, of certain things, yet seemed to be unaware of others.

"How is he yours?"

"We're together; we've always been parts of a whole." That was disturbing; did she know the relationship she shared? No, he didn't think that was the case. "I need him."

"Why Charlotte, why do you need Jonathan?" The hysterical laughter startled him and then she started to hum, a love song he thought. "Do you love him, is that why you need him?" The humming stopped just as abruptly as it had started.

"Of course, he's the key, the key to everything." He wondered if she understood the safeguards on Alistair's diary. If that was the case, he didn't have to worry about her and what she knew. If that was all it was the goal to obtain what the diary held.

"Why isn't Cameron the key, they are twins?" Again, she gave him a confused look.

"Because, he's not the oldest and therefore he is not the key." She didn't understand and that was good. Whatever she had thought was not the truth but a bastardized version of the truth.

"How do you know he's the key Charlotte?"

"You ask a lot of questions. The coordinator told me, found me and knew I was angry at Sebastian, he told me Jonathan was the key." Ah, Mr. Smith so you are the instigator in all of this. It was good to know this and it also alleviated some stress James had been under. If the woman didn't truly understand, the boys were safe, for the moment.

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