Chapter 5

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James Black hung the phone up and frowned. Things were going faster than he had anticipated. He hadn't believed his grandsons would retreat to their hideaway for a while yet. That meant the letter was out of play for the time being.

His home was feeling more secluded as he watched his grandsons struggle. He had put in place as much protection and help he could without revealing himself. Everyone, especially the Vale, believed him dead. It was better it stayed that way until things resolved themselves. It had to be up to the boys, he couldn't interfere, he had promised Marie their mother. They had to learn and understand so they could make the right decision.

It had been so very hard to watch them as their father abused them physically and emotionally. Harder still seeing them struggle with a dangerous organization out to destroy them, prison and worse of all the medical events. Both of the twins endured so much over the period of their lives, it was unfair and he knew that. It may be necessary for the growth they had to obtain but he didn't have to like it.

He reveled in their successes too and the joy when they found love. It was good they both found that now, at least he thought that was what was happening. They needed someone to guide them in the way of relationships. He made sure they had Dina Clark.

That was the hardest to get into play. They had needed a mother figure, someone to love them just for who they were. She was a prodigy, knew business in and out, fantastic producer, the best. The only problem was getting Sebastian to hire her.

The only way had been done was by rigging the hiring process. He managed to re-direct the other competent applicants to the wrong address, so when Sebastian held his interviews, there was only Dina who stood out. James had breathed easier when he knew the boys had someone on their side, making sure they took care of themselves, ate and had someone to soothe them. Little did he realize how much she would become apart of their overall mental stability. She was skilled at calming them both down, making them see the right way to do things. Maybe not always taken in the vein it was given, but nevertheless they had a guiding hand in their upbringing.

He was concerned when he saw the beginnings of serious mental issues with each of his grandsons. Feeling there should be something else in their lives, to assist them in becoming well rounded individuals, he found Jordan. What better way to give them the feeling of family then by having them take under their wings, a prodigy? A plus was the fact the boy turned out to be mechanically inclined.

That group had definitely become a family in the best sense of the word. The boys needed it, more now than ever before. James didn't want to come into the mix yet. They had to come to one more realization before it was possible.

As for Jonathan's sons, that was a problem. Charles shouldn't have done what he did. He wasn't sure about his nephew. All of this started because of Corvus Vale, Marie and what Sebastian had done with Alistair's legacy. Charles was a part of that, at least that's what James thought. Running with the twins and his clerk had not been anywhere on his radar. When he figured that one out, he put a call into a few of his trusted confidants, find Charles and Percy, making sure the babies were safe.

So far, it looked like Charles really was trying to protect the children but, it could be a ruse. He didn't know how far the man was ingrained in the Vale. He was making inquiries but had not yet learned enough, another reason he wanted to stay hidden for the time being.

"Oh, Marie I hope we did the right thing. This is so hard to watch, without extending a hand to help them." At the time, it seemed to be the only solution. They knew what Alistair tried to hide. When Marie understood what Sebastian and his grandfather were doing, she turned to James with a plan. Pregnant and fearful of her husband she had put the matter before his father hoping to find a friend. He knew his son was disturbed, a criminal and an abuser. Marie had been swayed by the fake charm of the man.

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