Arrow 2x5 part 1

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Intro Oliver: My name is Oliver Queen. After five years on a hellish island, I have come home with only one goal-- to save my city. But to do so, I can't be the killer I once was. To honor my friend's memory, I must be someone else. I must be something else.

Previously on "Arrow" 

*in court*

DA: We would like to serve notice to the defense, pursuant to rule of criminal procedure 15.

Moira's lawyer: I would like to have a conversation with you before you seek the death penalty.


Moira's lawyer: Moira, what don't I know? 

Moira: There are some things that must never be spoken of.

"What things," Oliver and Thea immediately asked but their mother ignored them. 

Oliver: He's beaten me twice, and I don't know how to stop him.

"You won't ever stop me," Malcolm told Oliver. 

"Shut up before I put an arrow in you," Heather ordered Malcolm. 

*Malcolm driving* 

Oliver: Who are you?

"We've seen this before," 

"Yeah, in earth 91 they like to do a recap." 

Sara: Once you know, your life will never be the same.

Oliver: Sara? 

*6 years ago* 

"Is that?" Thea asked 

"The Queen's Gambit, Yeah. Laurel you might want to look away for this part and Sage just Look away," Heather told everyone. Sara's and Oliver's faces were blushing as they recognized which part of their story this was.  

Sara (in lingerie): Yeah, Dad, college is great. 

"Yeah, I think I could have gone without ever watching my boyfriend cheat on me. With my sister."

"You can step out of the room, Liam and Sage will go with you and then I'll notify them if it's safe." 

"Yeah, I'll do that," Laurel told the girl and she stood up. Liam made a whiney face but as soon as he saw the look on his sisters face he also quickly stood up and walked out of the only door. Laurel took Sage with her and she too disappeared. 

Sara: No, me and my new roommate totally hit it off. We're like besties. Ok. Yeah, dad, I got to get back to chem lab. Yes. It looks like I got a long night ahead of me.

Oliver: Sara Get off the phone! 

Sara: Love you, Dad. Bye. Ollie. You are trouble.

"So, true," Multiple people mumbled.

Oliver: How is Detective Lance? 

Sara: Ah, he's clueless, as usual.

"As usual?" Quentin asked. But Sara and Oliver ignored him. 

Sara: (Drinks her drink) Guess I was thirsty.


Sara: Did you hear that? 1, 2, 3, It's getting closer.

Oliver: That's not very scientific.

Sara: And what would you know about science, Mr. Ivy league drop out? 

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