Chapter 2.

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Ok so before you read i want you to know, that we worked really, really hard to make this as long and interesting as possible so please (And i know i said this before) if you like this chapter just press ----> on that button over there. It only takes a milli-second and if you really, really like it then we always appreciate comments and feedback. Thank you :) - Jain

P.S Dedicated to @BlueSniper for making the really pretty cover :) Thanks Buru xx

Sandra and Freda both bit their lip at the same time, waiting for my reaction.

How could he do this? Does he think it’s some kind of game? Nate brushed past me a smirk planted on his face. This guy was unbelievable if he wanted to play dirty, I’ll show him dirty. I replaced my surprised look with an I-couldn’t-care-less one and texted Freda and Sandra to do the same.

Ms. Bynes came in her hair in a very messy bun and her face smeared with mascara.

“Sorry class, good morning. I am Ms. Bynes and welcome to senior year.” She panted slumping on her chair and placing her head between her hands.

“Uh Ms. Bynes are you ok?” Freda asked her pencil placed behind her ear as usual.

“You know what Freda? I am not okay.” She states and stands up heading outside the classroom. “I just lost my V card...” She mumbled to herself but we all heard.

“Wow Ms. Bynes was a virgin until last night.” A guy called out and the class started laughing including Nate.  What was up with him? How could someone so sweet and charming turn into a jerk in less than an hour? I groaned loudly and walked up to the dude who started the laughter.

“Look jerk just because you screw everything that has legs doesn’t mean it’s easy for a girl to just lose her V card, I respect Ms. Bynes. You know why? She’s married and was still a virgin before yesterday, and unlike you she waited until someone special came along. So shut your pie-hole and start laughing at your ugly face ok?” I spat my face so close to his, his mouth closed slowly and I put a smug smile on before walking back to my seat.

Sandra patted my shoulder.

“Hmm?” I turned around to face her.

“This is from Nate.” She claimed and gave me a little yellow folded paper. I took the paper in my hand and opened it.

Never knew you were that feisty Mila ;)’

I wanted to punch his face right then and there, but I had to control myself. I turned around smiling a sincere smile to find Nate smirking right at me, so I slowly pointed my middle finger at him. “Fuck You.” I mouthed and planted the same smirk on my face before turning around to my original seat just in time as Ms. Bynes came back in her hair tied neatly and her makeup matching her complexion perfectly. She was really pretty.

She actually looked kind of like me. The way her hair complimented her face, and how her mixed colored eyes would twinkle when she’s excited. The way her jaw would flex when she’s uncomfortable and overall how her body wasn’t skinny or big. I smiled at her showing my appreciation for such a good teacher and hoped one day people would look at me the same way im looking at her.

1 hour 53 minutes later, it was finally lunch time. I had gotten a text from Liam asking me to meet him in our secret meet up place. I could already feel my heart beating faster, my hands were shaking and my lips were waiting for company. Liam was just so…perfect. I know it sounds cliché but he was always there, he texted me in the morning, 12:34 to be exact when he knew I’d be woken up and he texted me in the night, 10:15 when he knew I’d be in bed waiting to text-flirt with him. I just loved him so much, I didn’t say it yet but one day it’ll spill and he’ll look down at me and whisper the same words which will just make my world.

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