Chapter 7.

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Eeeeppppp....hi guys! We got ten votes! Lemme hear a woop woop? WOOP WOOP!  So...there's this new thing Murrey and I are doing and it's called 'question of the chapter'...and this question is....*drum roll*

Who are you rooting for? 

Lila (Liam and Mila), Nila (Nate and Mila)...or Vila (Vander and Mila). So fill us in and comment below! It's much appreciated. Anywho this chapter has a lot of competition and a little romantic scene at the end :')


P.S Chapter dedicated to @beautifulautumn for the amazing banner on the side :)

~ Jain

Chapter 7

“Eggs Mila?” Mrs. Anderson asked holding up the plate of scrambled eggs.

I shook my head. “Thank you but no thank you.”

Mrs. Anderson sighed. “Then what are you going to eat?” She asked her eyebrows furrowed.

“Oh um…I usually eat Cheerios at home.” I muttered resting my cheek on my palm.

Nate walked in and chuckled as he heard what I said. “Cheerios? Mila, here it’s old school. You either take breakfast the hotel way or nada.” He said grabbing the kitchen stool and sitting on it.

“I guess I’ll go with…nada. Sorry.” I murmured biting my lip. Nate chuckled…again.

“Ya its fine, you’re fat anyway.” He joked.

“Excuse me? The only thing fat here is your ass.” I added snickering.

Even Mrs. Anderson laughed.

“Oh shut it Mila, anyways I think we should get going. See ya mom.” He called kissing his mom on the cheek and grabbing his bag.

I waved at Mrs. Anderson and grabbed my bag too which matched my purple hoody and skinny jeans.

Nate was already in the car, it was my time to drive.

I placed my bag in the trunk and climbed in the driver’s seat. “Your car smells like…nail polish.” I mused raising an eyebrow.

“Ya…uh Becka was here last night.” He muttered turning his head so that he’s facing the window.

Crinkling my nose in disgust I said nothing and started the engine.

“Mila you’re going to have to stop hating her, she’s going to be here for a very long time…I think.”

“Good for you.”

Nate groaned. “I talked to Liam…”

“About what?”

“About stuff…he wants to double date.”

“What!” I exclaimed, stopping the car. “No…no, no, no!”

“Come on Mila! It’s going to be fun and what’s done is done, the date’s this Friday.” He said with a wink.

“I hate you.” I grumbled starting up the car again.

“I love you too.” He joked.


“Ok class, I want you to divide into your houses.” The coach shouted, his voice echoing through the gym.

It was P.E and I was excited.

I walked over to the long line of the red house and plopped down.

Each student had to wear a shirt that was in the color of his house and black shorts/pants.

this was my first bookDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora