Chapter 10.

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Heylo guys! Lo here ---> @_FinallyMe. And I've been told to update this! Anyways what Jain had said is that you guys don't seem so lively, you don't comment and she and her friend barely get 10 votes, you're like a lame crowd really :/ Anyways, she said Chapter 11 will be only uploaded if she gets 10 votes and 10 comments. I've read this story (kind of) and I think it deserves it! Because every chapter beholds something new...and this one does too! So be sure to vote and comment! 

Tell us who you like! Is it Mila? Do you like Vander? Liam a sweetheart? Share your thoughts! It makes the authors smile so do it! Please? And V O T E ! This story needs endless amounts of votes especially because it's chapter 10 and it's a Halloween special ;)

Thank you.

Chapter 10

Here I was…holding a box of chocolate ice cream and watching Ellen trying to cheer up. I probably looked like a lunch lady who just got her mop taken away. My door was locked and my mom thought I had an early night.

Oh how I wish I could go to sleep tonight.

“But no, he had to go kiss Sandra!” I said to myself popping a spoonful of ice cream in my mouth.

I burst out laughing due to Ellen’s hilarious monologue but I slowly found myself replacing the laughter with tears. It hadn’t even been a year…and Liam was already bored of me. Was I that uninteresting?

I threw the ice cream box in the trash and disposed the plastic spoon. I was pretty sure my phone was packed with messages and missed a call that’s why I forced myself to leave it outside. Sighing inwardly I muted the TV and climbed under my duvet hoping that maybe, just maybe I’d fall asleep.


I am not a morning person.

So I was kind of surprised as why I was awake at 7:00 am waiting for breakfast. School started at 8:00 and usually I’d wake up ten minutes before.

Mom handed me a plate full of eggs and bacon. She grabbed a stool and sat across me.

“Is there something you want to tell me, Mila?” She asked raising her eyebrow.

I frowned. “No.”

My mom sighed and grabbed her purse. To my surprise she pulled out my blackberry out.  “Your phone was buzzing endlessly yesterday and I couldn’t help but notice Liam had sent you a load of messages. Thinking he’d gotten you pregnant or some sort I checked them, what does he need to explain Mila?”

I groaned and grabbed my phone from her. “He kissed Sandra.” I mumbled playing with my food.

“He did what? With your best friend?!” She exclaimed.

I rolled my eyes. Mom really needed to catch up. “Sandra’s not my best friend anymore…she tried to steal Liam from me…but I guess it worked didn’t it?”

Mom’s surprised face turned into one full of sympathy. “I’m sorry darling…but Liam was such a good man, I never thought he’d do something like this.”

“Neither did I…but what’s done is done. It’s time I come to accept it.” I muttered and hopped off the stool making my way to the bedroom.

I lay on my bed remembering the old times…


“This is so awkward…” Liam ‘The Hottie’ mumbled whilst we were sitting waiting for our orders to come.

I nodded slightly and flashed a killer smile…at least I thought it was. He chuckled slightly.

“So Mila…tell me about you.” He said.

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