Chapter 13.

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Yay! Chapter 13 is finally here...I think I have only one reader o.O So this chapter is dedicated to her !! @wewereborntolie

I want to thank you for not ditching this story! It truly means a lot to me :D Anywho, this chapter doesn't have Freda in it, or isn't located in school...

I hope you like it, and next chapter will be very exciting! I will end this story at chapter 35...I think o.O

Always remember, vote/comment and read most importantly :P

Thanks xx

~ Jain

Chapter 13

Since when did weekends become so boring?

It was now Friday afternoon, I had just finished school and was now sprawled on the bed debating whether I should chill on the laptop or go meet up with Nate. Since Nate and I hadn’t really hung out alone for a while I decided to call him.

“Hello?” He picked up.

“Nate Boo!” I squealed, rolling off my bed.

I could feel a sigh on the other side of the phone and couldn’t help but grin.

“Let me guess…Mila?”

“Wow! You’re such a good guesser, bro.”

“What can I say? I have my charms.” He stated.

“Yeah, yeah anyways where are you?”

“The gym.”

I groaned in response. “Really? You had to be at the gym, we just got out of school!”

“It’s for soccer practice!”

“Oh…well I’m coming.” And before he could reply I hung up. I quickly removed my jeans and put on a pair of sweatpants with a black camisole.

Grabbing a water bottle and my phone I jogged out the door and into the wild nature…or not.

The school gym wasn’t that far from here so I didn’t have to walk much and waste my precious energy. People were all around, chatting, smoking, making out.

Manhattan glory.

I could see the familiar red building now and quickly tied my hair up preparing for the rough work out.  To my surprise, there was no one there. I called out twice but still no answer. I could hear shuffling at the back where the bathrooms were and decided to investigate…like a ninja of course.

View was shocking.

Becka was pinned up against the wall, Nate straddling her thighs with his arms while kissing the days out of her face. My nose scrunched in disgust and my face probably had the what-in-the-world-is-going-on look. I rolled my eyes and grabbed a basketball from the rack then threw it at the ‘preoccupied’ couple.

I heard a familiar screech that obviously belonged to Becka and the deep groan Nate produced whenever he was annoyed.

“OMG, I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to ruin your work out session or should I say make out session?” I stated raising an eyebrow irritably. “I thought you had practice Nate!”

Nate got off Becka and ran a hand through his hair. “Sorry okay? I do have practice…it’s just Becka came along and you know…I got distracted…”

“That’s pretty obvious.” I pointed out.

Becka was just standing there looking oh-so-innocent in her short shorts and a green camisole.

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