Identity Crisis

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The city lights are bright as Valerie exit Hayden's car with Felicia.

"I'm going to try to find a place to park. In the meantime, good luck Valerie, you'll be great." he tells her, smiling.

She smiles back, and gives a small wave before he drives off. Felicia leads her to the backstage entrance, where two tall bodyguards block the entrance. Felicia shows them their pass and they allow them in.

"Will there be a pre-interview?" Valerie asks, remembering the several times she accompanied Hayden to an interview, but seldom participated.

"No, Betty likes to do honest interviews, that's why her show is so popular."

"Oh..." pre-interviews are when the interviewee and the interviewer discuss what the interview will be about before the cameras start rolling. Valerie will be completely unprepared.

In the small backstage waiting room, she and Felicia wait for the call, Valerie occasionally helping herself to a jelly bean from the bowl put out on the table. Felicia's phone rings, and she picks it up,

"Yes Normie? ...oh..." she looks over at Valerie, "No, I think she might be busy right now."

In between eating a few jelly beans, Valerie turns around and cocks her head, "Busy doing what?"

She smiles widely, "Uhm...never mind, here she is."

She hands her the phone, and the voice of Mr. Osborn comes in loud and clear, "Valerie, I just want to wish you luck on your interview. I know you’re probably nervous right now, but don’t be. Betty’s a wonderful interviewer.”

“Thank you Norman.” she formally replies, twirling a lock of her hair.

“Also, can Felicia hear us right now?” he asks, his tone lowering slightly.

She glances Felicia out of the corner of her eye, and sees that she’s glaring at her impatiently, her arms crossed.

“Yes, she’s in the room with me.”

“Go somewhere private. I need this to be between us.”

Valerie gets up, and leaves the backstage room. Not sure if she’s allowed to talk in the backstage hallway, she finds a bathroom and slips in.

“I’m alone.” she tells him.

“Good. So, I see you’ve been making good use of the suit.” he begins, “The press hasn’t decided on a name for you yet, but personally, I’m pushing for Tarantula, much more original than Spider-Woman.”

“Yeah, I was kind of thinking the same.” she agrees.

“Speaking of, I see you’ve partnered up with that Spider-Man.” he mentions, his tone shaky.

“Yes, we sort of...ran into each other. It sort of just...happened.”

“Well, thing is, Oscorp has had Spider-Man under surveillance ever since he stole his powers from us.” Mr. Osborn confesses.

“Why’s that?”

“We think he snuck into our nn  facilities and stole our research on our radioactive spiders. And now he’s using the technology for himself.” he explains, “The spiders’ venom is mapped to its creator’s genes, so its properties wouldn’t work on me. That’s why we were trying to alter them with the radioactive lasers, but ever since you got hurt the safety department’s been breathing down our necks. I mean, imagined if you’d sued!”

She chuckles, “Sue you for giving me superhuman powers? I’d consider it a gift.”

He sighs, “ life’s goal has always been to perform miracles, to leave behind a legacy. And...and with you, I think I’ve accomplished that goal. You’re only just starting out, but you’ve already done so much, and there’s so much more you can do. And me...let’s face it, surgeries or no surgeries, I’m fading fast. I’m in so much pain, all the time...I can’t handle it anymore. I’ve cancelled my further operations, don’t tell Felicia. I’m still got about a year left, but it doesn’t feel that long befo-”

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