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Assalammualaikum korang , apa khabar semua? Author doakan korang sihat sentiasa .

Sebenarnya author nak bagitahu update yg seterusnya maybe late . Sorry sesangat tau . Harap korang faham .

Hari ni (7/2/19) author dengan team author ada pertandingan presentation f1 in school sebab tu bz sangat . This week and next week will be my busiest day cause 12/2/19 author ada berlatih atau dicalonkan mengikuti sukan rejam lembing disebelah petang . Last and not least next week or should i say 13 and 14 february i have f1 in school competition for pit booth display ,time trial racing and knock out racing . Do or please follow instagram team author :f1smtm.vh

Harap korang faham maybe lepas semua ni (pertandingan and so on) author boleh buat part 10 . Terima kasih sebb baca dan vote cerita ni . Walaupon pasal vote tu author tak suruh pon , tu semua up to you ok . Takda paksaan dari author untuk vote.

Salam hangat dari author

PS: Harap korang comment supaya author and the readers boleh jadi dekat .😄

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