Chapter 15: Time to join the Boys

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I just got done showing Jess around the bunker, including the new infirmary that I installed.

"And that should be everything." I stated retuning back to the Library.

"This place is amazing but..."

"What." I asked?

"When will Sam come here?" She asked.

I sighed "not for about 8 years."

"Eight years!"

"I'm sorry I know it is a long wait, and I have to warn you, Sam will try to move on. It's not to late to back out."

"No no... it's just still hard to comprehend." She said.

It was silent for a moment, but then my phone started to ring.

"Oh I got to take this." She nodded.

Answering "hello?"

"Hey Rose it's Sam."

"Hey Samwich what's up?"

"Um were up in Kittanning Pennsylvania, were stuck on a case anyway you can help us?"

"Oh yea I'm like a state over send me the address and I'll head that way now."

"Thanks." He hanged up.

"Pennsylvania that's a ways away." Jess said.

"Eh not for me." I tossed her a phone. "My number is on there if you need anything just text me Okay." And with that I was gone.

"Hey." Sam said as he opened the motel door.

I gave him a hug. "It's been awhile."

"Hey short stuff." Dean said, I turned giving him a hug.

"Okay so what's the case." I asked pulling away.

"Well a plane went down, no one knows how." Sam said making his way to his computer.

"Yea and all we got to go on is, black eyes, and Sulfur." Dean added.

I gave a look between the boys "that's it?"

"Yea." They said.

"And you guys still didn't get it?"

"Wait what?" Dean said.

"Well I mean there sorta rare now, but I thought with your dad and all- man I really need to launch my website-"

"Wait Rose... you know what it is?" Asked Sam.

"Well yea sulfur, and black eyes are dead giveaways on it being a demon."

The boys looked at each other. "Wait you mean an actual, hell demon demon?"


"I guess it would make sense, it would explain how a guy would be able to open the emergency door mid flight." Imputes Sam.

"Yea But a demon." Dean spoke. "I mean that's not our regular normal gig."

"Oh come on guys" I protested. "You would Eventually have to deal with one." Not to mention angles as well on a daily basis.

"Your right." Dean admitted. His phone rang, he answered.

"Hello?....oh hay Jerry....wha-jerry I'm sorry what happened....where'd this happen?.... I'll try to ignore the irony in that....Nothing, Jerry hang in there we'll catch up with you soon." He then hanged up.

"Another crash?" Sam asked.

"Yep lets go."

"Where to ." I asked.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2019 ⏰

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