Chapter Two: Can't Break Free

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(Y/N)= Your Name

You yelped with joy. You've passed the first night. You thought it was now officially time to be done with this tourcherous game. You removed your Oculus Rift, and rubbed your eyes as you placed it down on your table.

You backed up slowly, bumping into a wall, and nearly screaming. "Where... The... Hell... Am I?!" You quietly yelled. You looked at your hands and noticed that there was a camera. You tilted your head to the side, and sighed. "Very funny. Is this some kind of Joke?!" You whimpered, as you looked at the camera's again. You saw Bonnie, Chica, and Freddy, all standing on a plat form. You clicked the arrows on the camera tablet you were given. You saw, every room, in the game. You screamed with fear, as you looked to your left, and saw the purple rabbit animotronic, outside the room you had been in. You scrambled over to the door to face the robotic bunny and smashed your hand onto the green button, closing the door. "Why am I here?!" you yelled, pressing the button for the door light, and noticed Bonnie, had left. You pressed the door button again, and released the door.

You checked your camera's once again, and saw Freddy, and Chica, were still in place. Yet Foxy on the other hand, had been making his way out. You checked through your small tablet looking at all of the screens. Overwhelmed with the whole situation, you sighed. "All i know, is that i'm not going to make it out of this death trap alive." You said with a sorrow filled tone. "Who would ever want to do this to someone?" You trailed off as you sat in a corner, continuing to check your camera's. You noticed Foxy was gone. You Jumped up to press the door button, but instead, you were greeted with a screech, along with Foxy in front of your face.

Foxy looked down on you. "And you must be?~" He said in a glitched out, low, raspy voice. "I-I... I'm (Y/N) I-I have n-no idea h-how I g-got here.... I-i was just playing th-the game.... a-and I took o-off my O-oculus rift... a-and.... Now i-i'm here......" you whimpered backing up into the corner.

Foxy went fully into the room. "So. You~ Must be a human." Foxy said in the same voice. You nodded nervously. "I just d-don't understand what's h-happening right now.... L-like, am i really i-in a game..?!" You yelled quietly, yet full of fear. "Well... It's not exactly a... game." He said turning and looking at the door. "It's an abandoned, Pizzeria.. and it's based into a game... I have no clue. How you got here." Foxy said as he turned to the Door. "I don't exactly know.... What to do with you. Human's, aren't supposed to be here. You may have to get into a suit... if you don't want to die.... Freddy... is a bit tempermental at some points... and he get's a little angry.." Foxy said in the same voice, just with a bit of sympathy.

'Did, did Foxy. Foxy. Just say what i thought he did? Wait. How is he even talking? Am i imagining this. Or is it actually happening?! Can they all talk? Will Freddy actually kill me? Is Freddy actually Looking out for me?!'

Questions sped through your head as you were taken backstage to find yourself a costume, along with Foxy. He dug through an old Box as he found a Pink Cheetah one. "Okay... This is the only one... that doesn't have any wires... it's a bit beat up... But i think it'll do..." Foxy said as you walked over to him and grabbed the Pink head shakingly. "I-it should b-be fine.. A-as long as Freddy... Won't Notice..." You said with a shaky voice. "As long as Freddy won't notice What?" Chica said as she walked into the room. She had the same voice as Foxy, except it was more childish, and it wasn't raspy. "Well... This girl... (Y/N), was playing the computer game.... and some how, managed to end up here." Foxy said walking out from in front of you to let Chica see you. "Woah.... I haven't seen a human... in forever!" Chica said quietly. "Freddy, may understand, if we explain... But, he is technically our boss... So what he says goes... maybe we could get him to let her stay?" Chica said in an actual nice tone.

'I don't get this... They seem so tortureous in the game... But.. they're completely different, in real life... This is so..... confusing....'

You thought to yourself.

"We can't take risks. This is the first human we've seen in years. All Freddy ever does, is tell us to kill everything in sight. It's starting to get annoying, remember back before anything ever happened? When it was a normal Pizzeria, where we saw all the happy faces of Children?" Foxy said, as him and Chica, said the last line in Sync. You put on the suit you were given. "Do you think he'll believe it..?" You said nervously. "Yeah, but one second i have something, that could make it even more belivable. Everyone of us, has something inside of out endoskeletons, that makes our voices sound demonic like, as you can clearly hear in Foxy's. But with a voice modifier, you'll still have your normal voice, but it'll make it sound more believable for Freddy, to think that you're an animotronic, than a human in a suit. But for the eyes, the head has them in it, and it should look realistic enough for him. There's a sensor in that one, so the eyes will probably move along with the way yours do inside of the head." Chica said to you. You took everything that she said in, and she handed you a voice Modifier. You placed it in front of your mouth, inside of the head. "So.. does this seem believable now..?" You asked, as your voice was like there's now, and you looked around the room to see if the eyes, on the head were set up and would move. "Yeah, Freddy will believe this." Foxy said slightly happy.

"Freddy! Guess what!!" Chica yelled happily. "What do you want right now Chica, i'm busy." Freddy growled lowly, which made you jump slightly. "Well, Foxy and i were going through the boxes in the storage room, and we found this!" She said as you and Foxy walked in. You smiled under the head. "Well, her name is Mika." Chica said looking back at you and Foxy. "Does that work?" She whispered to you and Foxy. You Nodded. "Oh, cool. It'll be helpful, and Quite a shock for the game players." He said Darkly with a smirk, that you couldn't notice too clearly.

You nodded, as the head moved along with yours as you looked at Freddy. "It's nice to meet you Freddy." You said nicely. "Nice to meet you too." He said in the dark voice, as it echoed through the room. you turned and walked back over to Foxy, and Chica. "This went better than expected. Other than that. Should we introduce me to Bonnie?" You said.

Foxy and Chica nodded, almost at the same time. "She may be up stairs..." Chica stated. "There's an upstairs?" You asked confused. "Yeah, but it was for employees only. Now we use it, since no-one comes here anymore." You nodded. "That makes sense, so should we go and see if she's up there?" You asked. "Maybe Later... Right now, i'm tired... We can introduce you to her, later on today." Chica said to you as you were brought to a room where there was a couch. "Well, i guess you could stay in here... Chica, Bonnie, Freddy, and I, all have rooms upstairs. If you're going to be staying with us for a while, then tomorrow, i could clear out a room, along with Chica, for you. If you'd like." Foxy said with a nervous laugh. "Sure, that'd be great." You said smiling under your custume head. "Alright, anyways, goodnight Mika, or (Y/N)" Foxy said to you as he left the room. "Goodnight Mika." Chica said to you. "Goodnight, thank you guys." You said smiling, as you sat down on the couch, and went to bed. 

Who knew, living with a bunch of animotronics, could actually be pretty interesting, and slightly fun...

Accept Your Fate. (Five Nights at Freddy's x Reader) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now