Jealousy and Forgetting

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A/N: friend 1 and friend 2 both have to be girls!! and if you don't like 5SOS deal with it

You were on a train with two of your friends, (friend1) and (friend2). (friend2) bought you and (friend1), including herself, tickets to go see 5SOS. And the best bit about it is that you get backstage passes. You won a competition. Little did you know, Jack Frost, your best friend, who can be a bit over-protective, was following you. The three of you girls chatted until you finally got to the city. (if you do live in the city, pretend you don't) Some other girl won the competition too. She was on the train, just in the other 'cart' or whatever they call it.

*time skippy cuz I'm lazy =)*

You three got in the front row, next to the other girl who won. You knew what she looked like, it said it on TV. 1 hour later, the whole place was crowded. If you needed to pee, by the time you get back, your spot would be gone. 5SOS walked onto the stage, and the whole place, including you, screamed. The first song they sang was 'Good Girls'. You hummed along. You looked over at the girl, and she was swaying her head to the beat. She looked at you, and smiled. She waved, then turned her head back to the band. She was looking at Luke. A LOT.

It was time to go see the band backstage. You three ran backstage, with the other girl not far behind. The band walked up to you four with smiles on their faces. The girl ran up to Luke and hugged him. "You're an amazing singer." she whispered. Luke hugged back, his smile widened. (friend1) bolted to Michael, (friend2) bolted to Calum and Ashton walked over to you with a shy smile on his face. You had NO idea Jack was watching you. You smiled warmly and started walking towards him. "Hi." he said softly as he looked down, you lifted him up by his chin, and saw a faint shade of pink on his cheeks. You smiled and slid your hand into his. His blush turned from a faded pink to a deep shade of red. After a while of getting to know each other, Ash started to flirt with you. He reminded you of someone you knew. But you couldn't put your finger on it. On Jack's side, he looked super jealous, but he's lucky you couldn't see him behind all these curtains and equipment.

A/N: oooooohh looks like someone's jealous and someone's in L-O-V-E!!!!

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