chapter 4

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    “The stars are beautiful, are they not?” Wilford said, laying on the floor, pointing at the stars.

    “Yeah… they are.” I replied, looking up.

    Jameson was already in the cabin that we found. He was most likely sleeping like he wrote.

    “Hey kid. You should go check on JJ for me. See if he’s still alive in there.” Wilford said, probably reading my mind again.

    I went to go and check on him, keeping in mind what Wilford said about him still being alive and stuff. Mainly because Wilford thinks he’s joking when it comes to people and dying.

    Jameson had found a twin-sized looking bed and was sleeping on it. He was alive too, by the way.

    I turned to go and step back outside, but Wilford was right behind me.

    “Woah!” I shouted, surprised that he didn’t make any noise.

    “You were taking forever. Should’ve been out by know.” Wilford muttered.

    “I was gonna be outside a few seconds ago, but you were right there..” I mumbles a little at the end, mainly because I knew what Wilford would do if I got on his nerves.

    “Right… okay.” He said.

    He left the room and I followed a little bit after. Wilford was already sitting on a log with a stick in his hands. The stick had a marshmallow on it and it was over a fire.

    How he got there so fast? I have no clue.

    I sat down on a different log that was across from him, just to avoid anything bad happening.

    “This is the first time I’ve ever been with someone else at night in a long time. It’s nice.” I said, trying to break the silence.

    “I’ve been traveling with Jamie for a while now. Basically ever since the war. Even before that actually.” Wilford said, joining the conversation I started.

    “So a while now, huh?” I replied.

    “Yeah. JJ and I could travel the entire world if we really wanted to.” The mad man stated calmly.

“I’ve never really had a best friend before. So I couldn’t tell ya’ anyone I would travel the world with. But I guess I have you guys now, right? At least that’s what I’m hoping…” I explained, getting a little quiet on the last sentence.

“Don’t worry, we’ve got your back.” Wilord said, almost sounding as if he were falling asleep.

I looked at Wilford to see that his head was hanging to the side, and he was about to drop the stick he was holding.

I walked over to him and gently grabbed the stick out of his hands, and sat down where I thought he would fall.

The marshmallow he made was a little burnt, but it was the best thing I’ve ever had.

Eventually, Wilford fell asleep on my shoulder, so now I couldn’t move to go anywhere. I just had to stay where I was, and fall asleep like that.

The night was calm, especially with the soft roar of the fire that was still lit.

I woke up the next morning to find that Wilford was gone, and I was laying on the log with my feet still on the floor.

Groggily, I got up and scanned the area. Everything was still here, meaning that Wilford and Jameson probably wasn’t gone yet.

The Effect: 2027Where stories live. Discover now