Chapter 7

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The people were now in view, and they didn’t look very happy to see us. Well, that was until they realized who we were, apparently..

“Wilford Warfstache? Jameson Jackson? That you?” I heard an Australian voice call out from the group of men.

“Angus?” Wilford called back, dropping the gun to his side.

“That’d be me, mate! Good ta see ya?” He said, walking down the hill and walking over to us. “And who might this little one be, aye?”

“I’m Isaac. Your name is Angus apparently.. But who are they” I say, pointing to the other men behind him.

I also noticed that Angus looked like Jameson, but without the mustache and hat. And then you have to add a survival hunter type clothing. That’s what Angus looked like..

    “That’s Chase.” Angus said, pointing to a guy with a baseball hat, who looked almost exactly like Angus and JJ.

    “There was also Host that accompanied Angus, Chase, and Yandere.” A man with a trench coat said. He also had a blood-soaked  blindfold. He looked like Wilford but different because of the blindfold.

    One of the men had hair like Wilford’s but it was red instead of pink. He also wore an… Anime school girl outfit? He also looked like Wilford.

    Then all of a sudden a man came rolling down the side of the hill, holding a skateboard somehow, screaming, “COWABUNGA!”

    Another man followed the other, but was walking. You could see his blue shirt from like a mile away.

    And then the other guy jumped up from the floor.

    “WHEW! That was radical, dude!” Chase yelled to the man.

    The guy was wearing a black tank top with a bing-looking logo. He also looked like Wilford, but without the mustache. He also has sunglasses on that were round and orange. He acted like Chase from what I could tell.

    The other guy who was following from behind, looked a bit the same but was wearing a blue shirt with a G. He looked like he was ready to kill someone in all honesty.

    “Oh, that’s Google and Bing.” Angus said, pointing from the blue shirt guy to the black tank top guy.

    “Aren’t those website names?” I asked.

    “Yes. They are. I am Google. Ask me something. Are you feeling lucky?” Google said with a grin.

    From behind, almost all the new people I just met were mouthing the word ‘No.’

    “Alright, Google, how long does it take to get to Newmerica from Arizona on foot?” I asked, ignoring everyone else.

    “Showing results for ‘how long does it take to get to Newmerica from Arizona on foot’...” Google said as a digital hologram appeared in front of him, showing the answer. Which was 719 hours.

    “Okay… But how many days is 719 hours?”

    “I’m sorry. Did you say ‘how many stays is 719 flowers’?” Google asked, saying something completely different.

    “No. I asked, ‘how many days is 719 hours?’” I repeated.

    “Showing results for ‘how many days is 719 hours’...” The robot said as yet another hologram popped up with an answer. 29.9583 was the exact answer.

    “Sooooo, basically a month?” Wilford asked.

    I nodded.

    “Yep. Better get goin’.” I said, already walking away from the group. JJ followed me with Bing, Chase, and Wilford right behind him.

    The others seemed a bit reluctant to follow.

    “Well… They’re goin’. Might as well follow em, mates. Let’s go.” Angus said from behind, the rest of them following.

    I turned around and pointed at the anime-looking guy, still walking.

    “So who is he?” I asked.

    “I’m Yandereplier. You can call me Yan though. And don’t touch my senpai!” The man wearing a schoolgirl outfit said.

    “Who is your ‘senpai’ so I know which one not to touch?” I asked him, smirking at his response to the name-asking.

    “His name is Anti. Touch him, you die!” Yan shouted at the end, pulling out a knife. He seemed almost as predictable as Wilford, which was not very predictable at all.

    “Woah, okay there Yan. Put the knife away please, dude.” Chase said, walking closer to Yan and putting a hand on his arm.

    Yandere reluctantly put the weapon away and continued walking a bit north east.

    Everyone else started to follow.


    A few hours had passed by and we got a bit further with no problems.

    “The group soon reached a sign indicated that they had reached a place called Albuquerque, New Mexico.” Host narrated. “The others were already growing irritated of the Host’s narrating except for Isaac, who thought that Host was an interesting man. Of course, Host would continue to narrate until Wilford pulled out a g-”

    Wilford suddenly turned around and pointed a gun at Host, which was what Host was most likely gonna say.

    “Could you please just shut the f*** up?” Wilford asked, pointing the gun directly at the Host’s face.

    “Host was not able to exactly control how he talked. He told Wilford to blame the one and only Markiplier for making Host the way he is.” Host said in a calm tone.

    “Fine. I need something to cover my ears or I’ll go and end it all.” Wilford muttered, starting to walk again.

    Jameson created some headphones and an mp3 player for Wilford and showed him how it worked.

    After that, Wilford listened to what seemed like his little ‘theme song’. You could tell by the occasional ‘I am Wilford Warfstache’ followed by ‘Why, that sounds absolutely frightful’.

    Host kept narrating everything around us as if we were in a book, King got excited whenever Host mentioned squirrels and tried to climb trees but failed, and pretty much everyone else walked while listening to Wilford’s horrible, drunk-sounding singing. So that’s the trip for ya.

    “It was night time right about now. Everyone looked and felt tired except for Google and Bing, who were both robots. A-”

    “They’re robots?” Wilford asked, pulling out one of the ear buds.

    “I’m pretty sure we went over this when I arrived at the Iplier house, Wilford.” Google recalled.

    “Yeah! I explained that stuff too, bro!” Bing said, going through his memory card.

    “Well...I don’t remember any of that..” Wilford said, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly.

    “Whatever, bro. Lets just rest now?” Chase said, looking for a place to put his stuff down.

    “Yeah. Let’s do that, mate.” Angus replied, setting his stuff on the floor.

    Everyone else started setting up a little camp for the night.

    Well, you aren’t dead yet. So that’s good… The voice said as I lay on my sleeping bag.

    Well...I guess you could say I’m lucky to have all these idiots?

    That’s true. But I’m not an idiot.


    After that, we all had a good night's rest

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