Chapter 6

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People are coming. Wake up the others. Now.

I immediately sat up from my sleeping position on the ground.

“Wilford,” I whispered, “wake up. Someone’s coming.”

The madman’s eyes darted open and he sat up Michael Myers style. Then he turned to face me, pulling out a pistol from his holster.

“Where.” He said, looking me straight in the eyes.

“I don’t know, but the voice told me that people were coming..” I briefly explained.

To your right.

Wilford and I both looked to the right to barely see a gun shining in the moonlight.

“Make sure JJ is awake. I’ll get them.” Wilford said, slowly getting to his feet.

I hesitantly stepped over to Jameson and slightly shook him.

His eyes shot open a few seconds later since Wilford was shooting at the people that had the guns. The dapper male shot up and quickly got to his feet. He frantically looked around before spotting people darting from one tree to another.

Their leaving.

“Tell that voice of yours to shut up!” Wilford said, constantly looking around to see if the people had actually left.

There was a knife on the floor. I slid on the ground to get it then got to my feet.

I quickly ran over to a tree that I saw someone behind. Jameson chased after me in attempt to make me stop… I assume so anyway.

I soon as I was about to grab the person’s shirt, Wilford stopped me.

“Don’t. Stab them.” Wilford said, pulling me back.

“Why? That person was helping the other pe-”

“No. He wasn’t. I would know. He was held hostage.” Wilford cut me off. He went behind the tree to get the person.

When he returned, he was holding a man’s shoulder. Oddly enough, they almost looked exactly the same. Except for the act that Wilford has a mustache and this man had…. Peanut butter on his face? He was wearing a fake crown and a royal-looking cape. His hair wasn’t pink, it was black. And he had a shirt with a picture of a squirrel on it.

“Introduce yourself buddy.” Wilford said, smiling at the man.

“I’m… King of the squirrels…” The so-called ‘King’ said.

“Why does he look like you..?” I questioned Wilford.

“I’m sure you know the answer to that. We were CREATED by a FANBASE because of ONE MAN. So that’s why we all look the same.” Wilford said, as if the answer were obvious.


Suddenly, we all heard a branch snap, and when we went to see who made the sound, all that was left was a green cloud of smoke.

Jameson’s mouth was open wide when he saw the cloud of green.

“Jameson had just seen a friend that was known as Anti.” The dapper male narrated slowly.

“Soooo… the green one? The one that glitched a lot?” Wilford asked.

“Glitched..?” I asked.

“Jameson told Wilford that ‘the green one’ was in fact: Anti.” JJ said, completely ignoring me.

“I’m so confused…”

The Effect: 2027Where stories live. Discover now