Family Problems (chapter 1)

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Once again ,I'm up to no good . I found my mom's kitchen knife . I want one of those pretty feather scarfs that the pretty ladies on earth wear . I can use my wing feathers . O no , I'll have to do it later . My mom wants me . The little angel thought to herself as she stood at the kitchen counter .

Every day for the last 10 years ,she always got in trouble . She never knew why but heaven always had bored her to death . The other angels never wanted to play with het because she was different . She grew up as an oldest child so she had to find ways to keep herself busy while mommy was busy with the baby .

She only had one friend ,Gabriel ,who was 18 . She was only 13 but Gabriel understood her because he was the same . The were inseparable . They loved causing trouble together . They were like brother and sister .

"My darling , where are you ?"Her mom ask with her beautiful angelic voice . "Coming mamma "the young angel yelled at the top of her lungs .
"No need to yell ,darling . I'm right here . Now ,what are you doing in the kitchen ,you are supposed to be in your room doing angelic homework like the sweet little angel you are . Is that understood !!"Her mom scolded
. "Oh sweety , I love u but way can't you just act as an angel ?? Way do you have to act like a little demon . "Her mom stated firmly ,with a icy cold voice .

This brought tears to the little angels eyes and she yelled " So I'm not good enough to be an angel . I knew it . I knew you didn't believe in me . I hate this place !! I just want to leave !!" Tears were free falling from her eyes now .

Her mother looked like she had just received a blow to the core . Her eyes were huge and her beautiful olive skin turned inhumanly pale.
"W-wh-what did yo-you say ?" She stuttered . Her bleu eyes almost grey of sadness and hatred .

"I said I want to leave . " she said with anger dripping of her words .
"Fine then . You can leave . But never come crying saying you want to come back . "Her mothers usual warm and loving tone was as cold as the winter weather down on earth .

The words came like a tornado hitting a volcano.

My mom is actually letting me leave ?? . Wow . I can't wait to get out if this hell hole .



Wow that was cold and ironic . Do you think her mom will actually let her leave heaven for good .

Lets see in the next chapter


Sorry for all the editing guys . I started writing this book a year ago and my Grammer skills weren't the best I'm fixing everything now . I hope the book is easier to read now ...and don't be scared to let me know if there still are some mistakes. I love u all and thx for reading

Love Zanchene

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