The dramatic exit (chapter 3)

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I gathered my things as fast as my hands could work . I took out my sneakers, tank tops and my denims . I didn't wear  long white cloaks you would normally imagine an angel would wear  .

I stuffed everything in my oversized suitcase and ran down stairs . I have never been this excited to leave before ,mainly because I have never left before . This is so exciting .  I heard voices in the living room . It was my parents .

"I can't believe our little angel is leaving already ...."I heard my dad say so I stopped to eavesdrop.
  My heart was racing at the speed of  light . I slowly peeked around the corner and the sight that greeted me will haunt me forever . I saw big ,round tears running across my fathers pale skin .  He was only 36 but he looked so old and so sad.

He was hugging my mother and my younger brother (aka the favourite child ) . I slowly came around the corner ,a look of disgust on my face . When my parents finally broke of the hug I yelled "Heyo motherfuckers , I'm done . Now I can get out of this bullshit place . "

My dads face went a few shades lighter than usual and  my brother just stared at me . Of course my she was the one that did the scolding . Her face was blood red as she yelled "  You little ungrateful brat . How dare you use that language in my house  . There is a little child that can hear you and I don't want your bad behaviour to rub of on him !!!!Is that clear?!?!? "

I just ignored her and walked over to the parent that actually cared about me and gave him a big hug . I felt tears starting to sting my eyes and I fought to keep it down . I bent down and took my brother in my arms and kept him there . "I love you baby bro " I whispered and felt his warm tears on my arm .  I gave him a slight kiss on the forehead , picked up my bag and followed my mom through the door . This was it .


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