Meeting the devil (chapter 9)

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We walk through the walls of fire . I couldn't help but stare at the beauty of the flames . We cross a bridge that runs over a gorgeous stream of lava .  Wouldn't want to fall in there  . I think to myself .

I can see we are nearing a big gate . Above it is a huge sign that says " Welcome to hell . The place of internal death. Wow . These people mean business .

Not creepy at all .  Nope . I can't be creeped out . Mainly because
I am a creep myself . . Yea. I loved to watch people sleep   . Something just makes it fun .

We go through the gates and I see a beautiful castle with flames raising in the background . 

I couldn't believe my eyes . In the doorway stood the person I both feared and admired .

The devil .        

To be honest , I had a poster of him in my room . I have always loved him . (And maybe had a teeny crush on him . Ok who am I kidding , I had a huge crush on him   . And I maybe still do .)

Wow ,I am actually meeting the devil . My heart is racing 100km/hour .

As we stepped  closer I started to make out his beautiful features . He was drop dead gorgeous with his dark brown hair and tattooed body . It felt like my heart is melting . I expected an old man with horns . Not a super sexy serial killer   .  

I am going to die   Like in ,right now  . Not because he will kill me but because of him looking like that . At least I can still talk .

His big frame makes me want to melt . I can't help it .
"Hey little angel " those words stopped my train of thoughts .
"Hey , nice to meet you Mister Devil . " 

This  was a huge day for me . I am meeting the man of my dreams .      

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