(Chapter 10)(all better and beach trip)

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(Chapter 10)(all better and beach trip)

(Emmys p.o.v)

I was sick , daddy brought a girl home .

She was kinda weird but pretty. She checked my throat. "Hm, just a mild cold". "Maybe she's just eaten something out of the ordinary". She says to daddy .

Luna helped me with my bath and gave me special medicine .
Luna was trying to brush my hair it was really tangly and long.
She sighed. She pulled a carved stick out if her pocket and waved it and my hair wasn't tangled anymore. "Wow, your magic, wait'll I tell daddy ". I say
"No , Emmy you can't, I'll tell you when you can tell him okay but for now can you keep this very special secret for me please". She says. "Okay". I say . I could keep her secret , after all I kept sylo's secrets.

It's been a week and daddy was going on vacation with me and he was bringing luna too.

(Luna's p.o.v)

We were in the truck and BG was singing. I smiled I loved his voice. It was wonderful, he was much better than many of the other singers that were held over him.
And that Taylor swift girl , ugh she was so, fake.

We were sitting at a gas station while Brantley got some drinks and snacks for the road.
He brought us our stuff , I handed Emmy her drink and chips. I could open my drink just fine but BG likes to open things for me, he thinks it makes him more manly .

We got to the beach house and it was nice .
The house was practically right on the beach. I was gonna love this trip.

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