(Chapter 15)(everybody's ready but me)

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(Chapter 15)(everybody's ready but me)

(Luna's p.o.v)

I know my words about mom got to daddy a bit , but I trusted B.

Daddy was just scared that a man was gonna hurt me again. All the other guys I had dated were just using me to get their girls back . Daddy looked at me and pulled me into a big hug. He petted my blonde hair. " you are so like your mother". He says.

(BG's p.o.v)

I sat there listening, I wasn't one to ease drop on people, but if it was about to be the death of mine and Luna's relationship I had to listen. They walked back down the steps. I really got nervous now . Luna smiled ,

"We gotta go get his daughter so if you'll excuse us". She said to her dad. "Bye ". He says to luna as we left. We drove for a while. We got back home and mom already had Emmy in bed. She smiled at luna. This was the first time they had met in person.

Mom had a funny look on her face. Luna was wearing a purple shirt with snow flakes on it and some normal jeans that she had done patch work to and her converse chuck Taylor's. "It's a bit early for snow flakes isn't it dear?" She asked luna .

"Oh I need to wash clothes". She says. "Oh, good thought you were strange or something". Mom says. Oh damn mom expects her to be normal this can't be good. I thought.

"Well Emmys in bed and is really excited about her first day of school tomorrow." Mom says.

" yay, I wonder what she wants to wear or has she already picked it out I can't wait!" Luna says . "Everybody's ready but me". I say . Mom laughed and luna kissed my cheek and said I'd be okay .

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