Chapter 2

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When school was over I walked down to my house to get some close for tonight.

When I got home my dad was not there, I just ran up stairs and got some closes together

**ding, ding

My phone notified me, it was an unknown number

"I'm here!" the text said

Right then I knew it was Rebecca, I got my stuff and went out of the house and into the car

"Hey" Rebecca said getting her phone and changing the song

"Hey" I said back

"Okay please, please,please,please! get in a party mood, I want you to have fun tonight!" Rebecca said turning in a happy party song

"Oh and hey will you please call Austin and tell him were on our way" Rebecca said giving me Austin's phone number

"Oh okay" I said picking up my phone and typing in the numbers the Rebecca was giving me

#the call#

Austin: hello

Abby:hey Austin it's Abby!

Austin:oh hey what's up?

Abby: well were on our way and Rebecca just wanted me to call you and tell you that so yeah were on our way

Austin:oh sweet okay we'll see you later

Abby:yeah see you

#end of call#

In the matter of about ten of twenty minutes we were at the house, It was a big a beautiful house

There were about five other cars

Me and Rebecca got out of the car, Rebecca stopped and looked at me she raised her arms up in the air "whhhhoa" she yelled in a party mood

I did the same

Me and Rebecca walked in "welcome to my house" Rebecca said with a smile

We walked into the what I think was the living room and saw about eight people

"Okay guys this is Abby and she's the new girl and she's now all of our friends so be nice" Rebecca said greeting me to the people

"Okay theses are our friends this is Alex,Zach,Lilly,Zoe, Austin as you know

And that's all so yeah get to know each other and be friends and...yeah, just know that these are your friends now and well this is not all were having a party these people are the ones you need to hang out with so yeah " Rebecca said

The door bell rang "people!" Alex said Raising his hands and running to the door

This party went on for about three hours

Me and Austin have been talking for the whole time, Zach put some vodka in the drinks and it was a crazy night

"Hey Austin!" I said laughing

"Hey" Austin said in a sober voice

"Why aren't you in home mr" I said tripping on a chair

"Umm I think we need to take you home" Austin said picking me up

Right then my phone rang

"Oh shit dude... it's my dad" I said laughing

"What do I do man" I said giving Austin my phone

#the call with Abbys dad#

Abby: hello?

Dad: where are you!

Abby:at a party with some friends

Dad: well you need to come home, there was a killing gone on after your school got out, it looks like she was killed by a animal, two bites on the neck

Abby:okay I'm on my way back

#end of call#

My dad killed my vibe and now I'm just scared

"Are you okay?" Austin said

"No there was a killing right after school, I- I need to go home" I said starting to get an anxiety attack

"Okay, okay I'll take you home, just take deep breaths and your gonna be okay" Austin said sitting me down

I just sat down and looked at myself in the mirror

I didn't really know what was going on with me but I just stood up and started walking to the door, I tried to stop with all my might but I couldn't then I just blacked out and when I snapped back to reality and I was in the middle of the woods

It was a beautiful view of the moon, I was just looking at the moon, I looked over and all I saw was a black figure on a man

I got scared but not as scared, as the guy walked up to me then I started to get really scared

"Don't be scared" the man said sitting down next to me

"How did you know I was scared" I said in a non caring voice

"I can smell it" the guy said looking over at me

I took a good look at him.

He had red eyes and he had not much color to him

My eyes widened, I got up and started running, I have to say that was a dumb fuck thing to do because when I started running I feel on a log....fuck you log

I got up and there he was the man that looked pissed, his eyes were red

"Don't worry I'll make it quick" the man said touching my cheek

I pulled away

"Make sure to tell your friends my name is carter"

And with that last comment right then the man speeded over to my said I felt a sharp pain go into my neck, I started to go weak then I fell to the ground and looked at the leaves on the ground.

"Abby.....Abby get up!" I male voice said giggling

I opened my eyes and saw Alex looking at me

"You okay?" he said smiling at me

What the fuck just happened, I thought I got killed by that guy and vampire he was a vampire! And his name was carter

The last thing he said was tell your friends that his name was carter

Why would they care what his name was

"Abby are you okay?" Alex said little louder

"Yeah can you take me home!" I yelled

"Yeah let's go" Alex said getting his keys

"No,no,no let's walk"i said getting up

"Oh well okay let's go" Alex said

Walking home after I had this dream this auto be fun.

He's not human (Austin Mahone vampire love story)Where stories live. Discover now