Chapter 15

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Abby's POV

"Austin?" I said coughing.
Now he wants my forgiveness, I don't think he understands that he just killed Sarah because she's a witch or whatever.
And Alex!
Alex is dead, Alex is dead because he tried to kill me, honestly at that point I was hoping Alex would have killed me.
After hearing that austin had killed my father. I don't think I can ever forgive him.
"Yeah," Austin said.
You could just tell that he was a motionless person, he doesn't have any type of emotion in his voice, I honestly don't think I can even be with him,near him, around him, nothing.
"Please get out of my room," I said.
I was in horrible pain, I honestly though that I was going to die, kinda wishing.

"Okay," Austin said.
Austin got up off of the bed and started walking towards the door, he then looked back at him.
He didn't say anything, he was just awkwardly looking at him.
He then turned back around and walked out of the room.
I looked around my room and looked up at the ceiling.
I honestly have no idea why but I started getting memories about me and my dad, and me and the old austin.
When we met.
Rebecca was the girl who took me from the mean math teacher, and sat me down next to her, Austin and I had every single class together.
After that the party we had.
I met Alex, Zach, that was the first time I had ever met one of them.
I started so tear up, I know this wasn't going to be good. me not having austin with me.
I just need to remember that he killed my dad and he doesn't like me, he mean and not loving like you used to be.
As I laid on the bed crying for only three reasons
1. Austins memories
2. my father
3. The pain in the gun shot

I can't even believe that I just watched one of my best friends die
And to top that off I also can not believe that I saw my other best friend lay dead on the floor.
I literally have nothing, I have nothing to live for, literally nothing.

I remember when I was just a kid, I had came home from pre school and I was doing my homework, my dad had just came home and he had been the kindest thing in the world.
Making sure I'm okay, giving me a kiss on the head, telling me he loves me, then I herd a knock on the door.
My dad had walked over to the door and opened it, it was a cop it was actually my dads best friend.
I remember my dad looking back at me, telling me to stay in the house
I looked back down and all I here is my dad start yelling, I remember my dad walking back into the house and looking at me.
I asked him if he's okay and he just totally ignored me, I remember him walking up to me and giving me something, it was a bracelet. he look up at me and whispered to me he told me about my mothers passing, I didn't understand. I didn't understand what any of the meant.
I had to ask what that really meant and after he explained to me, I then understood, I understood that my mom was gone and I'd never see her again.
I remember running up to my room and locking my door.
I remember everything about that moment in life.
I remember my dad getting the key from the top of the door and unlocking it.
I remember him walking into the room and telling me he loves me.
I remember him sliding the bracelet, he told me to never take it off no matter what, till this day I still ware it.

I feel like this bracelet is keeping me sad and depressed, everything that has happened to me is bad and it's been with this bracelet, everything bad, the bad energy, everything, has basically been with this bracelet on and I feel like it's my time to start over and take it off, just i big makeover, I need to start over.

I then herd a knock on the door, I didn't want to talk to anyone is that to much to ask?
The door opened and who came in was Carter, Carter walked into my room and sat on my bed, it was more like a jump
"Hello!" He said playing with his hands.
Now he's wanting to be cool and fun, are you kitting me, please just kill me now
I ignored him and got under the covers, I didn't want to see his face.
Or him at all, I hated him, I hated him so fucking much, some much pain started rushing though my head.

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