Chapter 12

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"Hey... Luke.."

"Umm I'm sorry who is this?"

"This is umm, this is.. Abby?"

"Ohh hey I'm sorry about what happened earlier, I didn't know you were a vampire,"

"No I wanted to say sorry about everything and I'm do you think you can help me with something?"

I honestly didn't know he would be this okay with everything, I thought he would be pissed and bitchy, but no.

"Yeah, what's up?"

"Well umm I'm not fully vampire yet and well I'm at a club and my friend is in trouble and she only has a matter of time before she.. ya know.. I'll explain later do you think you could come help me, because I know you're a full vamp and yeah"

"Okay yeah I could get there, where are you or what club?"

"It's the GDG club, thank you so much, you have no idea how thankful I am thank you so much,"

"No problem, I'll be there in like five minutes,"

"Okay thank you so much,"

I hung up and looked at Sarah, she started to look really sick and pale, "if you want to live your gonna have to drink a vampires blood and he'll be here in about two minutes or so,"

Sarah looked at me and started crying, I hugged her and told her everything was going to be okay, I felt supper bad, this poor girl just wanted to have a good night with friends and have a fun little party but no she ended up being the only survivor

"I have no where else to g, I have no one, I lived with the girl the got killed by one of the guys because my parents died and I only stayed sober because my parents died because of alcohol, I don't know where I'm gonna go, I just need to think positive thoughts and I'll be okay," you could tell the Sarah started having a horrible anxiety attack "hey it's okay, we'll find something out when we're done okay?" Sarah nodded in a yes, my phone then started ringing, it was Luke


"Hey I'm here where are you guys?"

"We're in the bathroom, it's in the back of the club,"

"Okay I'll be in there in just a sec,"

I hung up and looked at Sarah "he's-" I was cut off by Luke coming though the door

"Hey," Luke said looking at Sarah and me, "hey, I'm so sorry Luke-" Luke cut me off "no problem it's totally fine don't worry about it, is this her" Luke said pointing at Sarah "y-yeah this is her, I think she only has a little more time left, shes really pale," Luke shook his head and looked at Sarah

"Okay Sarah I need you to lay on your back please-" Luke said,Sarah did as told and went on her back

"Okay now Sarah when I bite my wrist I need you to open your mouth, and just let the blood come in and just drink it okay," Luke said with a chuckle and smile, Luke really was a nice guy it was amazing how he would actually use his 'gift' to help people and not kill them.

Luke bit his wrist and waited for his blood to start coming out, Sarah opened her mouth and Luke put it up to her mouth, she started to drink all of it, the color in her skin started getting more pink and more better, she started to look fine and perfect again, it was about two minutes and she was okay again, Sarah was a beautiful girl, once Luke was done he pulled away and gave Sarah a big smile, "see you did fine," Luke put his hands on Sarah's shoulders and shook her lightly, Sarah gave him a big smile "thank you so much!" Sarah said with a chuckle

"Hey Luke do you think you may be Abel to bring Sarah to my place because she was getting tracked by vampires and you know how that happened, basically the reason you had to be here?, I just think she needs to be under protection right now, and your invited in the house and everything so please just keep her safe..please, just stay with her and I should be back I the matter of time, I just need to find the guys real quick."

He's not human (Austin Mahone vampire love story)Where stories live. Discover now