Chapter 13

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I don't care about him dying, I killed a guy, and I just don't care
I don't feel anything about this, I would be crying right now or freaking out, but no, no emotion was coming from me.

As I just looked at the guy dead on the ground, I thought to myself,

I this really how I'm going to live?

Am I now like Austin, Alex and Carter?

Do I care if I'm like them?


This is how I'm living now...wether I like it or not
I want to be like Alex, Carter and Austin, they are living the best life,drinking when they please, I want that, I want blood "you okay," Austin broke my train of thought, I looked at him and smiled, this smile wasn't the sad smile, the broken smile, the weak smile, this smile was the pleased smile,the best smile of them all "I'm awesome Austin and how are you?" I said in a way to happy voice,"im pretty good, I think, I don't really know," Austin said with no emotion
I started laughing "me nether," I said waving my hands in the air, every time I looked at Austin all I got were sexual thoughts, Ah what the boy could do to me I can only imagine, his hands all over me, kissing my neck, his lips on my lips.
I started to get really excited about the thought about that
I walked over to Austin and looked at him in the eyes "I'm yours," I grabbed Austins hands and put them on my boobs I started rubbing them with his hands
Austin's face was a bit of supersize but still in amazement "why is it that the only thing I can ever feel is horny,"Austin said moving closer to me

I started to want to play around with Austin so I pulled away from Austin and started walking back to the way to the house, I had little feeling, I could still feel sad, happy, bitchy.. I could feel it, but no as much as usual, I still don't feel that much
I looked back at where Austin was and he wasn't there, no where to be seen, I then herd something behind me, I knew it was Austin, who else would it be.
I then turned around and noticed it wasn't Austin it wasn't Alex it wasn't Carter
It was Zach?
What the hell dd he want, he always popped up in the most worst times, or when he showed up something bad always happened....
"Zach! you scared the hell out of me!" He then looked up and laughed "sorry..." he chuckled
I brushed my hair with my hands and started walking "so why are you here, is something bad gonna happen or what?" I asked playing with my hands and looking down
"What?..." a confused sound came from Zachs voice
"Ohh... you know what I mean.....every time I see you something 'bad' seems to happen.. so what's next?" Zach seemed to be really confused
He looked at me in confusion "umm...we've only met like... one time..i think?" I was now the one really confused now, but then again... every time I saw him he was always really really...fucked up and wired, never talked at all when I saw him
No emotion, nothing, but know he's right in front of me, talking, having emotions, am I aloud to be confused?

I started questioning why Austin wasn't with me, "do you know where Austin is?" I looked over at Zach, we continued to walk to the house , "i just saw him, he told me come over here and take you home, then he just walked away, I didn't bother to ask questions because well...ive noticed he's been kinda an ass lately."
I forward my eyes over to Zach and looked at him in a protein concerned look "how has he been being an asshole?" Zach stopped and turn to face me "you know, umm his attitude, the way how he thinks it's okay to just walk in a place and start kill- I mean umm being mean to people and all that, it's just not him I know that,"

Did Zach really just say kill, oh my god, he knows what Austin is and he knows that Austins been being... different lately
"Do you know?" I asked "know what I don't know anything,"
"Zach you know what I'm talking about, how did you find out?" I asked grabbing Zachs arm
"Okay, okay, one night me and Alex went to Austins, Austin didn't know that we were coming over and me and Alex walked in with Austin drinking a blood bag... After that Alex and Austin explained everything to me," I looked in Zachs eyes.. well I tried, Zach had his shads on..yeah... in the night time "are you one?" I asked releasing my grip to Zach's arm "No I'm not, I am a shapeshifter... Its a pretty stupid gift but... It dose come in handy a lot," me and Zach started walking once again

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