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Welcome! This story is a stand-alone. There's nothing else that needs to be read beforehand. I just jump straight into my books.



I knocked my opponent in his lip and eased back when it started to gush blood.

"You were talking all that shit. What's good, nigga?" I asked.

The loose gravel rolled beneath my bouncing feet.

"Go Diji!"

"I just came to see you win it all tonight!"

"You need better opponents!"

I nodded in agreement and stepped forward.

"Time out! Time-"

I hooked him in the side of his head, knocking him out.

"Who's holding my money?" I asked.


The whole villa smelled like pasta, but the lights were off.

"So not only were you fighting while we're on vacation, you're street fighting?" Momma spoke in the darkness.

Dad flicked the light on, and him and mom were sitting at the table.

"Is this even a vacation? I was born here. This is home. Y'all are the tourists." I said.

We were in the Bahamas.

"Keys" Ma said. "Diji, you are not old enough, nor do you know the island well enough to be on your own"

"I'll be eighteen and out of your hair soon enough"

Momma didn't respond.

She stared off into space, rubbing her growing belly. "I'm gonna go check on Lo."

My eight year old sister Salome.

Before she even made it halfway down the hall, she burst into tears.


"Baby-" Dad started.

"I don't want to talk right now" She responded and a door slammed.

"Dad, I didn't mean to do that. I was just saying, you know? I'll go apologize."

"You and I both know that she doesn't want to talk"


The Actual Book of DijiWhere stories live. Discover now