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Salome pushed open my door. "Diji, I'm scared"

"What are you scared of?"

"Daddy's mad at momma"

"No he's not. Ma just forgot who we are. He's sad."

"I don't want daddy sad" She said. "Can you make me some pasta? I don't want to ask daddy"

We went downstairs together.

Dad had mom cornered, and they were speaking centimeters away from eachother's faces.

"Daddy are you sad still?!?" Salome asked.

Ma pushed dad away slightly and gave him an apologetic look before walking away.

Dad dug into his pockets and gave me my keys back. "Diji, I need a little more from you right now"

"No problem"

"It's too much too soon" He mumbled before heading out the front door.

I made Salome one of those nasty microwaved meals that she liked, and went about my business.

"I don't care, Deon. I want him dead."

"And why the hell not?"

"I don't even know these people. This is too much for me. I can't even step out because they're my family."

"Deon, it's too much"

"I know that he loves me"

"I'm scared of my children. I'm carrying a baby."

"I don't know how to act! I'm just a boxer. I'm just Sayvior"

After a few minutes of her listening, she spoke.

"Please come visit"

She hung up the phone and I walked away.

"Come back"

I backtracked and pushed the door open. "Hi"

"Hi" She responded and pat the bed right beside her.

I took a seat.

"Wow" She inched closer and touched my face. "You have my jaw and complexion, but you are your daddy's child. You are very handsome"

"Thank you"

She got up. "I really don't know what else to say. Do you have any videos of you boxing? How long have you been boxing? Did we force you into it?"

"Since I was a few months. I just watched you and dad box and that got me interested. That's why I box now"


The Actual Book of DijiWhere stories live. Discover now