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"I'm sorry daddy" Momma rubbed her thumbs up against dad's beard and pulled his lips up against hers.

Dad slept on the couch last night on behalf of my words.

"Mmhm" Dad said.

I put a little more focus into my phone.

Salome bounced in the kitchen.

"Eww! Daddy! . . . daaaaadddyyy! Momma!"

I looked up to see dad leaned over the counter, kissing on my mother.

"Get away from there, Lo" I warned.

She walked up to me. "That's nasty. They're gonna get cooties"

Dad laughed. "We already got eachother's cooties. Y'all our cooties."

"Good morning, Lo" Ma got off the counter and dad was right up on her. 

"I promise that you don't have to do all that" I said. "That's my mother"

"How'd it happen?" Dad asked. "You should be grateful"


"You got me fucked up!" Mom spoke into the phone. "I leave my shit with you because you were supposed to know what you're doing, but clearly you don't. You don't know how to be the fuck in charge, so imma fire you and your little employee. You can keep your bum ass keys because all my shit is getting changed. Have a nice ass life."

She hung up the phone. "Closing my shit up just cause I'm out of town. Like that shit wasn't gonna come back to me"

Momma opened a youth boxing studio.

Sometimes I was a guest instructor there.

It was forced upon me.

Dad walked up to the door and opened it, sticking his head out. "You need to calm down"

"You know what? I will calm down. You're my new instructor, Darold" Momma said.

"Huh?!?" Dad asked. "No ma'am. No way, no how"

I laughed cause dad didn't really have a choice.

Momma quickly disagreed. "You know why? Because I'm pregnant, and you're the one that put this last baby in me. You're going to teach my classes and make it easier"

"Stop yelling at me in front of my son"

"I'll yell at him too! Me yelling at y'all is not anything new!"

"Dash, you got classes to teach" Dad said to me.

Now I didn't have a say in it.

"Momma!" I protested.

"I said you Darold. We're only open four days a week. It's easy. You can meet with Nast and all of your label mates at home. They're family."

"Dash, you're instructing once a week" Diji said.

Hell no. "I'm busy-"

"Once a week is not that much, Diji. Could you please do it for me?" Momma asked.

"And me!" Salome said, coming out of the cabinet. "But I gotta get special treatment"

Momma went upstairs and I shot dad a look.

"You couldn't have suffered in peace?"

"Hell nah" He laughed.

A couple minutes later, she came back downstairs. "I'm going to the beach"

"Can I go down the street?" I asked.

"Don't hitch no ride from nobody. I know that you know people here" Dad said.

Instead of responding, I just smiled, telling on myself.

"How long do I have?"

"Two hours" He said.

Salome walked over to mama. "I always got my swimsuit on under my regular clothes. You look snatched, momma!"

"You must just be going to the pool outside, wearing that" Dad said, starting up another debate.

I slipped out the house before I ended up having to take Salome with me or some shit.


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