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"You brought me to the United States and don't even swing by" Oliana said, cleaning out the bottom of the oven.

"I'm wrapped up in family business at the moment, so I can't really be over here too much" I said.

"What's wrong?"

"I just got out of a jail cell"

"That's family business?"

"Yes, cause jealous dumbass hoes always talking out the side of their neck to my mother, thinking that she's my girl, and stupid bitch ass niggas think that they can say anything to a woman. And on account of her not remembering anything from the last twenty or so years, I really need to be there for my family. Anything else you really need to know the answer to?"

Her face fell. "I'm sorry, Diji"

I sighed. "Nah, I'm tripping. My bad"

She went upstairs to get away from me.

I knew that I had to tell my dad eventually.

I needed his support.

Before all of the support, he would beat my ass though.


"You just fucking disrespecting me!" Dad shouted.

"I didn't know that Enzo and Deon were friends still. I didn't know that I would be seeing him. It's not a big deal, Darold"

"You and I both know why it's a big damn deal, Sayvior. The only thing that was stopping your from being with that nigga was the love that you had for me, and now you got none. I don't even think that you like me. You're just putting up with me cause I said we're married"

Emzo was Uncle Deon's best friend.

Dad made it clear that he was not considered an uncle.

Something happened with him and Momma before dad was in the picture, and that was all that I knew.

"Well what do you want me to do?!?" Momma asked. "Neither of us can force anything!"

Dad stormed out of the house and slammed the door.

Salome crept down the stairs. "Momma, I don't want you to fight my daddy"

Momma got up and left the room, and I heard her throw up.

"Diji, what happened? Does daddy hate momma?" Salome asked.

"No, he loves her very much" I said.

"I don't know..." Salome said, doubting me.

Momma threw up again, and I went to go check on her.

Her back was against the wall and she had thrown up on herself. It was because she was struggling to breathe.

I started to ask her about her inhaler, but dad had gotten that for her. She wouldn't know.

I pulled out my phone, and my hands got sweaty.

"Shit!" I mumbled, trying to unlock the damn thing to call dad.


"I need her inhaler! Dad, I need it!"

She choked and coughed, struggling to breathe.

"Fuck! Imma be there in three minutes! Teach her to breathe, Diji, like I taught you"


Momma sat up in the hospital bed, drinking lemonade.

She was okay now, and we were waiting on her discharge papers.

I couldn't help her, because I was panicking myself.

She was only out for two minutes, then dad showed up.

Salome sat on dad's lap, and I sat beside him.

"Sayvior, if you step outside of our marriage, I'm beating your ass" He said.

Momma didn't respond.

She was stuck for a second.

"I'm not - I'm still carrying your child. I just - I want to talk to him"

A look flashed across dad's face, and he got up to approach her.

He leaned down and mumbled something into her ear, pushing his face up against the side of hers more and more as he talked.

"You understand that?" He spoke angrily.

"You still got two kids, and they're witnessing this" I said.

Dad pointed towards the door. "Go to the cafeteria"



"Shut the fuck up, Darold, and let me talk" Uncle Deon said.

To my surprise, he actually did.

I was listening from the other room.

"Threatening her, and my nigga ain't gon' do shit for you! How the fuck do you think she feels about you right now? And you damn sure are not killing my nigga. I don't give a fuck if Sayvior fucks him again or not. You can beat his ass, but that's my best friend. That's somebody's son, just like Diji is yours. You don't have that right."

"I know who my fucking son is. And you know fully damn well what it is with them!"

"No I don't. Enzo and Sayvior only know what went down with them in the past. I was gone."

"Well she's in love with the nigga! She remembers him! I put nineteen years towards us, and she fucking forgets. I ain't shit to her!"


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