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"I am so proud of you!" Momma hugged me and stepped back.

Uncle Deon stood beside her.

"I didn't even fight yet" I said. "I could be trash"

"Either way, you're still working and making your own money" She smiled a sad smile.

Deon looked at her, and pulled her away from me and dad.

They had a long discussion and Deon wiped at her face multiple times.

I already knew what it was about.

Momma walked away from Deon and he came over to us. "She went to pee"

I stuck my mouthguard in and stretched my muscles.

Momma came back and stood beside Uncle Deon.

"I'm sorry" She apologized to me. "I'm going to brush it off as me being hormonal"

"It's no problem" I said.

Uncle Deon tied the laces of my gloves for me.

Dad pulled mom towards him and spoke to her the entire time. She would only respond by head nods, paying attention to me.

He kissed her ear and told her something that made her move away from him.

We had atleast another twenty minutes to kill.

"You plan on going up there just to knock niggas out?" Uncle Deon asked.

I smirked and pulled out my guard. "No. Not at first. Maybe after the sixth round. That's when I start to get bored"

He laughed. "Do you then"


"You were amazing!" Momma gushed. "I was watching you so intently that I forgot to breathe sometimes!"

I smiled. "I don't want you doing all that, momma"

She kissed my cheek, and gave me the best hug that she could.

I hugged her back, and we stayed like that for a little bit.

I missed being close to her.

She sat back down and looked at the menu.

Her and dad hadn't spoken since before the fight.

The idea of a divorce was implanted in my head.

"Excuse me for a second" Momma got up, and motioned for dad to do the same.

They both left.

Uncle Deon looked at me. "How's that going? How do you feel?"

"Dad's just scared of loosing her. I've deescalated a lot of arguments. I don't like being in the middle of this shit."

He sighed. "You can come stay with me if you want to. Or Monsoon, if you want to be with Lo."

She had been over there a lot.

"Uncle Deon, I'm having a baby"

His whole face changed. "You ain't tell them, did you?"

I shook my head no.

"You handling shit? You gotta set up appointments and stuff. I could ask Monsoon."

"Don't. I'll figure it out."

He looked at me. "She a gold digger?"

"I don't buy her nothing. She's not my girl. But she hasn't given any indication of being one" I said.

"Where she at?"

"In my house"

"You bought her a house?" Uncle Deon gave me a look.

"Hell no. My name is all over that. That's my house that she staying in."

He nodded his head.

My guardians came back and sat down.

The air was tense.




Momma left with Deon.

"Could you not yell at her as much as you do? It bothers me, and Lo thinks that you hate momma's guts."

"I'm gon' loose her" Dad said, not responding to what I said.


"I'm sorry. I'm sorry for getting you and your sister involved. We're gonna have a family meeting."


The Actual Book of DijiWhere stories live. Discover now