Chapter 2

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"Can you believe Potter's been chosen?" Malfoy exclaimed, clearly seething with jealousy. 

Adriana looked up from her Potion's homework. "Something I can help you with, Malfoy? Or do you just enjoy being a general pain in the arse to the common room?" 

"I enjoy being a pain in the arse to you," Malfoy cleared his throat, and returned to his DATD homework. "New teacher's a nutter, he is." 

"Careful, Malfoy, he might hear you," Adriana snickered. Malfoy was secretly terrified of Moody. Moody had seemed to enjoy Adriana on his first day, something that gave Adriana serious satisfaction. "You should've seen your face when the spider hit you," Adriana howled. "I'd give a hundred galleons to see that again." 

Malfoy gave her a look to kill. "Shove off." 

Adriana shrugged and returned to her paper.

Later in the day, she entered the Great Hall, only to hear the Slytherin table engulfed with laughter. As she went over, Pansy leaped to her feet and tossed something shiny to her. It was a badge that read "Support the real Hogwarts champion- Cedric Diggory." 

"Press it!" Pansy nudged her. Adriana pressed it, and was NOT disappointed. The badge now read 'Potter stinks.' 

Adriana giggled, and put it in her robe pocket, careful not to be seen by Hermione or Fred and George. She didn't much care for Harry, but she did the others. "Who made these? They're genius," Adriana grinned. 

"I did," Malfoy's white-blonde head peeped out of the crowd. Adriana pondered over a nasty remark, but just nodded and took her seat. 

In the evening, Adriana went for a short walk in the courtyard with George and Hermione. They were going on about Hermione's cat for a few short moments before Adriana caught something suspicious. She'd just passed Ron and Harry arguing earnestly, but before she could stop Hermione had shoved her forward with a huff. 

Adriana's eyes rested on Crabbe, Goyle, Blaise, and Pansy all leaning against the largest tree in the courtyard, looking up. She made her way over, her two Gryffindors in tow. She looked up and burst out laughing. Malfoy had alighted on a branch partway up the tree. "Malfoy, " She hissed. "What the bloody hell are you doing in a bloody tree?" She couldn't help herself. She picked up a tiny pebble and hurled it at him. 

"Stop!" Malfoy whined. "Go away, Potter's coming," Malfoy adjusted himself on the branch. 

"Well then, we've got to stay, haven't we?" Adriana sniggered to George, who was bursting to the seams with laughter. 

"Why so tense, Potter?" Malfoy's voice droned from above. Harry stopped dead in his tracks, searching the courtyard for the voice. "Father and I have a bet, you see," Malfoy continued as he dramatically slid down from the tree, nearly tripping when he hit the ground. Adriana laughed loudly, only to receive a smirk from Blaise and Pansy. "I don't think you're going to last ten minutes in this tournament," Malfoy smirked. "He disagrees. He thinks you won't last five!" Malfoy was laughing, but Harry was far from it. 

Harry stormed toward Malfoy. "I don't give a damn what your father thinks, Malfoy. He's vile and cruel...but you're only pathetic!" Harry shot him a glare, and turned to leave. 

"Pathetic? I'll show you!" Malfoy shouted, reaching for his wand, but a jet of white light engulfed him first. 

"No you don't!" Moody stormed from the castle. When Adriana's eyes returned to Malfoy, there was no Malfoy. Just a bouncing white ferret that Moody was shouting at. Adriana's eyes bulged, but instead of the normal hatred she felt for Malfoy, there was pity and a tiny bit of care. Everyone was laughing except her. 

Finally, McGonnagall intervened and Malfoy was restored. He was crying with embarrassment and pain, no doubt. "My father will hear about this!" Malfoy said, and ran off into the castle. Adriana turned, and sprinted after him. She dashed to the common room, empty except for one. Malfoy was sitting on the couch, obviously crying. 

She walked up to him slowly, and sat down next to him. He sniffed and looked up at her. "Come to poke some fun, Dolohov?" He whispered. Adriana shook her head no, and placed a hand on his shoulder. She felt him shiver a little bit, he was obviously surprised. 

"It wasn't right what you did, but what Moody did was cruel," she whispered. 

"I know...on both accounts. I shouldn't be so horrible to Potter, I just can't help it. He makes me so angry...he has everything I want," Malfoy whispered. He looked up at her. "Thanks," he said. 


"Not calling me an arse,....or laughing. I could still see." He shrugged but he was still crying slightly. 

"You're welcome." 

Then he did something completely unexpected. He hugged her. "You could call me Draco, you know, Addie..."

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