Chapter 8

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Adriana and Draco crept up the steps back up to the foyer. "We can't apparate... neither of us even know how," Draco hissed worriedly. 

"Could we use Floo?" Adriana's eyes widened at the sight of the fireplace. 

"We could. Where do we go?" 

"Ollivander's. We can stay at the Leaky Cauldron until school, it's less than a month, and we both have money."

"But why Ollivander's?" Draco whispered, raising an eyebrow. 

Adriana dug into her pocket, and held up his snapped wand. "He can fix this." Draco gulped and nodded. 

They dashed over to the fireplace. Draco grabbed the powder and dropped it, saying in a hushed voice: "Ollivander's". They heard a loud pop, and both of them landed covered in ash in Mr. Ollivander's fireplace. The elderly man, shouted in surprise and nearly fell off of his bench. "Mr. Ollivander, we're a bit in danger, and I need my wand fixed," Draco rushed. He was already at the counter, handing the man the two pieces. 

"It's a fairly clean break...I should be able to fix this in no time. This was intentional, obviously. You're the Malfoy boy...who did this?" Ollivander leaned closer, studying Draco's tired face. 

"Someone who was very angry with me. It's of no matter, I just need it fixed. Please," Draco pushed a few coins toward the man, but he waved his hands at them. 

"I don't require payment for something so simple." He muttered a complicated incantation, and within minutes handed back the wand good as new. 

Adriana looked out the window, and saw something that shook her to her core. Bellatrix. She was here in Diagon Alley. "Draco! Bellatrix," she pointed at the woman. Mr. Ollivander sensed something was wrong, and ushered the two upstairs. Just as he descended back to ground level, Bellatrix burst into the shop. 

"Hello, Ollivander," she sighed, sounding absurdly bored. "Have you by any chance seen two young people...both incredibly dull, lacking substance upstairs...?" Bellatrix spun her finger in a circle next to her head, whispering the last part. 

"As it happens, Bellatrix, I have. I assume you mean your dear nephew and his friend?" Bellatrix nodded hungrily. "They just passed the window, heading back out into Muggle London," Ollivander rasped. Bellatrix's eyes lit up. She nodded and slammed the door on her way out. 

Adriana was holding onto Draco's hand so tightly she was afraid she would break it. He squeezed back just as hard. "Do you want to go to the inn?" He whispered. She nodded and he guided her downstairs, thanking Ollivander. He smiled and nodded, admiring their protection of each other. Out on the street, Draco wrapped his arm around Adriana's waist protectively as they hurried toward the rickety inn. He opened the door, ushering her inside. 

Tom, the innkeeper greeted them with a confused grimace. He must have recognized their faces from Diagon Alley every year. "Two rooms, then?" 

"One, actually," Draco tried to give the man a pleasant look; he was obviously exhausted both mentally and physically. 

Tom gave them a look, but finally gave in to their wish. "Fine." he handed them a key with a number on the end. Adriana grabbed Draco's hand and proceeded up the stairs. The room was small, but quite and with a perfect view of the streets below. Draco collapsed onto the bed, instantly pulling the heavy quilt over him. 

"Come on, then," he attempted a smirk, trying to sound flirtatious. Merlin, Adriana had missed him. He looked so hurt from the events of the last couple of weeks. She managed a small smile, and crept under the blankets. He let out a long, relieved sigh. He stretched his arm out under her, and pulled her in close to himself. She reached an arm out over his torso, hugging him tightly. She took a shaky breath and rested her head on his chest. "It was the worst thing I've ever been through," he whispered. 

"Do you want to tell me about it?" She squeezed him a little, and lifted her head to look at him. He nodded slowly. "Okay." 

"Bellatrix...told me you were gone. She told me that you never gave them what they wanted, and that Voldemort murdered you in a fit of anger. I didn't believe her at first, but ever time I denied her, she used the Cruciates Curse. It was terrible. I finally started to believe her...she told me he hurt you before you-," he was shaking a bit, and couldn't get the rest out. Adriana lifted her head again, tears running down her cheeks at the pain he was going through. His eyes were full of tears and indescribable pain. He sat up some, and wrapped both his arms around her, hugging her as tightly as he could. "What really happened?" he whispered. "I need something to convince me this is real..." 

"The Dark Lord asked me where the location of the Order of the Phoenix was...I didn't respond the first couple of times. I figured that since you had left, she wouldn't do anything to you, but she used Legilimency on me. He asked her what I was most afraid of...all the memories she pulled up had you in them. Then she left the room for almost a quarter of an hour, and when she returned I knew she hurt you...I told him where it was. I don't know what he did with the information. She told me you were gone...I spent the next week just laying in my room crying. I couldn't even get over it at all," Adriana sobbed into his shoulder. "I realized how much I did love you right then and there. I need you." 

"I need you, too." They collapsed onto the bed in each other's arms. 

The next morning, Adriana woke with a start. Nightmares...they sucked. Draco was still sleeping, he arm laid over her protectively. She smiled. He looked so peaceful and calm when he was asleep. Not the frightened, pretentious boy she was so familiar with. A small smile played at her lips as she glanced at the clock. Ten. She went back to sleep. 

Someone shook her awake. "Addie...," Draco sighed. 


"It's four in the afternoon...we should probably get up." 

"Do we have to?" 

"I don't care...we could go get our school things?" 

"I suppose." They stumbled out of bed, rubbing their eyes. Adriana slipped into a black tee shirt and light jeans. The pair of them spent the afternoon browsing through book shops, looking at new Quidditch supplies, and watching the witches and wizards that crowded the streets. Although their plans sounded rather enjoyable, they spent the whole time looking over their shoulders for Death Eaters. None came, and they spent the next night together. And the next. And the next. 

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