Chapter 13

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"Marietta!" Adriana panted as she jogged down the hallway toward the girl. 

"Hey, Addie. How're you?" Marietta pushed a blonde wave behind her hair, and greeted Adriana with a smile. 

"Fine," Adriana gasped as she tried to catch her breath. "I need to ask you a question." 

Marietta raised her eyebrows in suspicion, but nodded. "Go on." 

"It's's about Dumbledore's Army. I know that Potter is the head of some little organization, and I need to know when the next meeting is." Adriana folded her arms. 

"Why...? There aren't any Slytherins in the Army for a offence of course." 

"None taken, and fair point. But I wanted to sit in on a meeting and learn more about it, and that can't be done openly- Umbridge and all. You know how it is," she lied smoothly. 

"Fine," Marietta sighed and grabbed Adriana's arm, pulling her into a corner out of earshot from the main hall. "It's going to be tonight at ten in the Room of Requirement," she whispered. "Don't bring anyone else, not even Malfoy." Suddenly, Marietta gasped and grabbed at her forehead. As she lifted her face, Adriana stifled a shout of surprise. The word sneak in all capitals was scrawled over her forehead in bright red pimples. 

"Marietta! What the bloody-" Adriana got cut off as Marietta dashed past her and sprinted for the bathroom. Adriana let out a little giggle, and marched into the Great Hall. She plopped down at her seat at the Slytherin table, and tapped Draco on the shoulder. "Tonight at nine, right out side the Room of Hidden Things. Shall I tell Umbridge?" 

"You're bloody brilliant, Addie! And yes, go tell her." Draco smiled at his girlfriend and wrapped her in a quick hug. 

Adriana stood and scooted her way over and up to the teacher's table. "Might I have a word, Professor Umbridge?" She nodded respectfully in the direction of the pink-clad woman. Umbridge nodded and stood to meet Adriana. 

"What is it, dear girl?" 

"Well, Professor, I have just so happened upon the time and place of the next meeting Potter's hosting. Thought that you and the rest of the Squad would like to know," Adriana smirked and straightened her hair on her shoulder. 

Umbridge's eyes filled with a malicious glint. "Very excellent job, indeed, Miss Dolohov. Fifty points to Slytherin. Where and when is this little get together?" Her toad-like face was filled to bursting with delight. 

"Nine o'clock. Right outside the room of hidden things," Adriana whispered down to the Professor. 

"Right, then. I'll see you all outside the hall at no later that eight fifty." Umbridge grinned, and spun back to her seat. 

Adriana fell into her seat next to Draco again, and attempted to pick at her breakfast. She felt a bit guilty for turning them in, but the glory of success overshadowed it. Draco was whispering to Pansy, Blaise, Crabbe, Goyle, and Theo Nott, probably about tonight. Umbridge would most likely want the entirety of the Inquisitorial Squad to accompany her. 

Adriana waded her way through the sea of people in between her classes late in the afternoon. She paused on the stone steps and looked out a giant stained glass window. The setting sun glinted in through the stained panels, casting colorful spectrums of light all across the walls. Adriana smiled to herself; the building of Hogwarts in and of itself was something to enjoy. She jumped as a loud whoop sounded behind her. 

"Addie! Guess what happened! It's simply wonderful," Draco huffed beside her, all smiles. 

"What? Has Potter been mysteriously thrown off of the astronomy tower?" She responded with a smirk. Draco made a face, and smiled at her. 

"As truly lovely as that would be, sadly no. BUT he and those nasty Weasely twins have been banned from the Quidditch pitch for the rest of their school careers, courtesy of the High Inquisitor herself!" He was nearly bouncing up and down with excitement. 

"Has this to do with them beating the snot out of you after the latest match?" 

Draco frowned. "Yes. You really think they beat the snot out of me?" He looked slightly offended. 

"I do. But it's good they were put in their place. I'm not saying that you're weak or anything, it's just it was three on one." Adriana folded her arms. She was in no way in the state of mind to deal with her boyfriend's over-sensitive feelings. "Finally, we'll get into the House Cup!" She grinned, and wrapped him in a hug. He squeezed back, and nodded. 

"Finally. You ready for tonight?" 

"I think so. A tiny part of me feels bad, but it's easily squished," she tilted her head up at him and smirked. 


It was eight fifty. Adriana, Draco, Nott, Pansy, Crabbe, Goyle, and Umbridge were all outside the Room of Requirement. A great number of people had trickled in, including the Trio, Cho Chang, Ginny, Fred and George, and a few Hufflepuffs that Adriana did not recognize. The clock on Hogwarts' grounds struck nine quickly, and Umbridge drew her wand. She cast a spell and blast the wall. Nothing happened. 

"Draw your wands, and fire at the wall. Anything that will cause damage," Umbridge rasped at her troup of Slytherins. They all drew their wands and lined up opposite the wall. 

"Reducto!" Adriana shouted and aimed at the wall. A large hole blasted through into the Room of Requirement, a combination of the force of the entire Inquisitorial Squad. Umbridge crossed her arms, as the members of the DA scattered back in shock. 

"Adriana...?" Hermione whispered, clearly hurt. Adriana was about to apologize when a strong arm wrapped around her shoulders- Draco. She leaned into him and watched Umbridge shout at the DA. 

"Everyone out! You are all an absolute disgrace to the Ministry. You all - ALL, no exceptions- have detentions for the rest of the month with me! Twice a week, you will all join me in my classroom for two hours. Got it?" The all nodded hesitantly. "Off you go. And if I catch a single one of you out after curfew for the rest of term, there will be extreme consequences!" 

Adriana bit her lip as she watched the members of the DA stumble down the hallway, all looking severely downtrodden and disappointed. In her heart, she disagreed with what she had done...but it was all in the name of surviving her time with the Dark Lord. She couldn't go siding with Potter now, not that she wanted to. 

Hey everyone! Sorry, this chapter is pretty filler, and my writing isn't the best. I'm not sure how I want to spread out the timeline. Let me know in the comments if you think I should do a couple more filler chapters to include the Weasely twins fireworks exit, or if I should skip to the Ministry battle? Don't forget to vote! Thank you again for reading my story!! Btw, which character are you enjoying the most? 


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