Chapter 9

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"Draco get up," Adriana giggled, gently shoving her boyfriend. "It's the day before school starts, and we haven't got any of our things."

"Must we get up so early?"

"It's eleven thirty." 

"Merlin, is it? Guess my time with you just goes to quickly," his old smirk had returned. The dark circles had diminished, and his old cockiness was slowly beginning to resurface. He pulled her down on top of him, planting a kiss on her lips. She smiled and returned it. 

"Draco Malfoy, you're distracting me," she sat back, smirking down at the grinning boy. 

"Well, it's working isn't it?" 

"A little too well." 

As they wandered through Diagon Alley, searching through stores, Adriana spotted a familiar face. "Malfoy, it's Granger, Potter, and Weasel!" She giggled. 

"Shall we pay them a visit?" 

"No. I don't want them corrupting our day together."

"Love, we've spent the last month together...let me go bother them for a bit." 

"I supposed. I'll grab our books. Careful, don't get hexed."

"I'll try," Malfoy grinned and sauntered over to the trio. 

The train ride back to Hogwarts was as dull as ever. The rest of Slytherin house was being as obnoxious as usual. Something about being back on the train to school was depressing. Adriana sat on the end with her head propped against the window, looking out at the Scottish landscape. It was breathtaking. Draco re-entered the car from his prefect duties and shoved Blaise gently out of the way. "My seat, Zabini," he grumbled as he plopped down next to Adriana. "You alright, love?" She nodded and gave him a small smile. He wrapped an arm around her and rested his head on her available shoulder. 

They exited the train amid a sea of bubbly students. Adriana gasped, and gripped Draco's arm tightly. "Draco, what are those?" 

"The skeleton horses?" 


"They're called Thestrals. They're a representation of death. Someone has so see death in order to see the Thestrals," a dreamy voice said behind them. 

"Hello, Luna," Adriana smiled. "You look lovely." 

"Thank you. Well, I'd better be off before the Nargles catch up to me," Luna Lovegood sighed and sauntered off to the carriage filled with Gryffindors. 

"She's very odd," Draco commented with a smirk. 

"She is, but she's very sweet. I like her." Adriana smiled in the girl's direction. Draco scoffed, but gave her a hand up into their carriage. The carriage was packed with Slytherins, fresh from exotic vacations. None of them knew that Adriana and Draco had gone through hell that summer, that they had spent the last half of break in Diagon Alley's inn. Pansy droned on and on about her time in Greece with family, and Blaise filled them in on his American adventures. Adriana smirked when she saw Draco discretely roll his eyes and yawn. 

"Our summer was much more interesting than any of this rubbish," he sighed into her ear. 

"Interesting is a good word for it." 

Umbridge sucked. Their lessons in DADA had no substance to them. It was all theory, and she denied the return of the Dark Lord. Adriana almost felt thankful that Harry hadn't shut up about the rise of Voldemort. He got himself a good bit of detention, but it seemed well worth it. Umbridge did have a soft spot for Slytherin students, so Adriana and her friends got off with quite a bit of homework shirking and talking out of turn. However, the tide was soon to turn. 

Adriana was chewing on the end of her pencil, trying to scratch out some essay for Snape, when Draco came bursting into the common room. Pansy jumped slightly, and Blaise came in behind him, laughing. "It's alright, Malfoy. That's why we have dormitories." Blaise winked and plopped down on the couch next to Pansy. Draco rolled his eyes and loosened his tie.

"I'm aware, Blaise, but this rule is bloody absurd. What does she mean six inches apart at all times. Bloody hell, that's not happening," Draco huffed. He sprawled in the empty part of Adriana's chair, wrapping his arms around her. " was your day?" 

"Alright. I have a big essay due tomorrow, though." 

"That's her way of saying 'buzz off, Malfoy'," Pansy smirked, and Draco shot her a glare. 

"I was not implying that," Adriana shot Pansy a playful frown, and kissed her boyfriend on the cheek. 

"You never did tell us, what were you two up to this summer?" Blaise stretched and leaned back into the cushions. "Probably something exotically expensive?" He winked at Pansy, and waited with rapt attention for Draco's response. 

"Um," Draco was stuttering.

"We just spent some nice time together," Adriana replied with a falsely sweet smile. Draco nodded, and peered at the essay over Adriana's shoulder. 

"It looks good, Ads," he grinned. "You're so smart," he ruffled her hair, and she let out a little laugh. 

"I love you," she replied with a short kiss on the lips. 

"Get a room, you two," Astoria waved her hands at them, and whisked back up to the dorms. 

Draco laughed, and pulled Adriana to her feet. "Maybe he will," he smirked and raised his eyebrows up and down. He dragged her up the stairs. "It's nearly time for bed anyways...were you going back to your dorm tonight?" He pouted. 

"No! Let's go, you," she grinned, and they sprawled out on his bed. He reached up and snapped the curtains shut. They piled under all of his blankets, wrapped in each other's arms. "Screw Umbridge's decree," she smirked and planted a gentle kiss on his cheek. He laughed, and pulled her up over him. He placed both his hands on the back of her head and drew her in for a kiss. She sat nearly on top of him, her hands on his shoulders, putting her full force into the kiss. He rolled over, and gently slipped his tongue between her teeth. She smiled and ran her fingers through his hair. After several minutes of this, they collapsed onto the mattress, exhausted. 

"Remember," a haughty voice echoed over the dorm, "six inches, children." Adriana grabbed Draco's shirt off the other end of the bed, wadded it up, and chucked it through the curtains, decking Blaise in the head. "Ew!" he shrieked, and dove onto his own bed. Draco and Adriana dissolved into quieted giggles. 

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