Chapter 12

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Adriana's eyes fluttered open, and she gasped. Every inch of her body ached, and she desperately wanted to fall back asleep, but sleeping more didn't feel right. She opened up her eyes all the way and took in her surroundings. The hospital wing was alive and buzzing, Madam Pomfrey whirling about, helping a few other injured students. Adriana couldn't lift her head, so it was a bit surprising when she finally became conscious of the person on the bed next to her. Draco. He was asleep on the bed right beside her and he looked utterly exhausted. She found herself smiling and she gingerly moved her hand over to his. 

The second her fingertips lightly brushed his hand, his grey eyes snapped open, disrupting the peaceful expression on his face. Relief flooded his features and he let out a long sigh. With no words, he planted a very gentle, sweet kiss on her lips, and wrapped his arm around her. She sunk her head down into his shoulder and he rested his head on the top of hers. 

"I missed you," he whispered. 

"How long was I gone?" 

"Two days...they thought you were going to die, Addie." 

"Have you even left in the last two days?" 

"Yes, but only for important things." 

"Okay," she sighed, and  fell back to sleep in the most comfortable way she could imagine. 

"Mister Malfoy, Professor Dumbledore insists that you return to lessons. Miss Dolohov is recovering well, and she should be released possibly even by this evening," Snape was arguing with Draco. They were standing at the foot of Adriana's bed, debating in what they considered hushed tones. Draco crossed his arms, and glanced back at Adriana, who was quite enjoying the whole exchange. Snape leaned down and got right it Draco's face. "Go to your lessons. Madam Pomfrey will let you back in, you know." 

Pouting slightly, Draco leaned over, and gave Adriana a quick kiss on the cheek before following Snape to his Potions lesson. Later that evening, Adriana was catching up on her Divination essay, when she heard the familiar cheering from the Quidditch pitch. "Excuse me, Madam Pomfrey?" Adriana beckoned for the nurse, who rushed right to her side. "Who's playing tonight?" 

"Slytherin and Gryffindor. I'm sorry you have to miss the match," she smiled. 

Adriana returned it easily. "It's alright. The cheering is enough of a boost anyway." She continued studying for the next hour before she caught the familiar voice of Lee Jordan echoing over the pitch. 

"Potter's caught the snitch! Gryffindor wins, putting them in the House Cup!" Adriana frowned at the statement, knowing Draco would be upset and she would have to hear about it. The time trickled by...five minutes...ten minutes...a shriek pierced through the air. Yells bounced up from the pitch to the hospital wing, and Adriana dashed to the window. She saw a crowd of yellow and red around a few green and silver's. She caught Madam Pomfrey rushing from the room, and a hollow pit settled in her stomach, this wasn't good. 

She paced near her bed, and stumbled back in surprise at the small army of people that flooded the hospital wing. Dumbledore was directing a stretcher, a frustrated McGonnagall was trying to convince someone to stop being dramatic, and Snape was standing in the back watching with a smirk. Adriana pushed her way up, and drew in a sharp gasp- Draco. He was on the stretcher, and he looked terrible. "What happened?!" She exclaimed. 

"Potter and friends, Miss Dolohov," Snape elaborated. 

"Potter did this?" Adriana raised an eyebrow, and Snape nodded slowly. "I'm just going to assume he was provoked?" She eyed her boyfriend questioningly. Draco opened his eyes partway and rolled them. 

"Provoked? Hardly! Potter's just an insufferable-" 

"Mister Malfoy," Professor McGonnagall gave him a sharp glare, and Adriana smirked. Draco had a lot of nerve, saying those things in front of the Gryffindor head of house. She peered around the Professor, and shot him a smile. He smirked, and winced. 

"Miss Dolohov," Madam Pomfrey rushed, "I believe you're free to go, and I'd advise that you headed back to your common room for a bit. You may come back in a little while if you wish." She nodded and shooed her out of the wing. 

Hot water splashed down from the shower over Adriana's head. She stepped out, and magically dried her hair. It felt good to be back in her own dormitory. She changed into a silky emerald sweater, and soft denim pants. The evening had flown by, after an assault of questions from her housemates. She sneaked out of the common area, and dashed down the hallway. As she wound her way through the corridors, she ran right into the three people she wanted to see least- Harry, Ron, Hermione. But it was the person chasing after them that caught her attention- Draco. He seemed alright, but his eye was still bruised. 

"Draco Malfoy!" She hissed as he ran by. When he turned, his face went red with embarrassment. "What are you doing?" 

"Following Potter and friends to their secret meeting place...I know their doing something Umbridge wouldn't approve of." Adriana nodded at his words and ran after him through the halls. They came to a small space of open wall with no doors. After hiding outside the wall behind a pillar for nearly half an hour, four or five people came out of a small door that magically appeared in the wall. Adriana gasped, and Draco's eyebrows darted up in surprise. 

"I know there's more that he got, Hermione! He couldn't have done much investigation with just three memories. There's got to be more of them in his office," Harry was pleading with Hermione. "Let's just go look! I know the password, and Dumbledore isn't even on school grounds." Adriana felt Draco's hand squeezing her arm as the small group stalked down the corridor. 

"That prick!" Draco leaped to his feet, fists clenched. "He broke into the office and watched them!" 

"Watched what?"

"The memories that I gave to Dumbledore for research on your- our- condition. I messed with them a bit, in hopes to get rid of crucial information, but Potter's right." 

"About there being more of them?"

"Yes...I didn't want him to see them...they're humiliating!" Draco's face was pink, and he slumped against the wall, exasperated. "I'm going to get him back if it's the last thing I do." 

"I've got an idea," Adriana grinned cunningly. "We could turn this little hoop-la over to Umbridge?" She waved her hand at the open wall space, referring to the secret meetings. 

"I love it." 

"I know someone that can give us their next meeting time!" 


"Marietta Edgecomb. She hates the thing, I've heard her griping about it to the other Ravenclaws. Thinks it's stupid...I could get anything I want from her about this." 

"You're good," Draco smirked and grabbed her waist, his swagger returning. Returning the smirk, Adriana dashed down the hallway toward the Slytherin common room. Draco gasped in faux hurt, and took off after her. Laughing she darted through the door, and jumped down several stairs, trying to evade him playfully. He caught her sleeve edge, and pulled her right up in front of him. "I love you," he smiled and pressed his lips to hers. He trailed his fingers through her hair, and opened his mouth wider slightly. 

Returning the smile, Adriana murmured "I love you, too." 

She set one hand on the back of his neck, and ran the other through his hair, messing it up. He slid them over to the glass window leading to the lake, and pressed her against it. She smiled, and shrugged her robes off, and peeled her sweater off, leaving her in a cami. He ripped off his Quidditch jersey, and wrapped his arms around her back, pressing into another kiss. 

Hey! So, I usually don't do notes, so this is probs gonna be awkward, but deal with me please. I'm a pretty amateur writer, I'm still a teenager, but PLEASE give me some suggestions in the comments! Let me know good directions for the story to go, or let me know what I could do better in my writing! Constructive criticism is always good! Thanks for reading my work. 


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