Chapter 4

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The days passed rather quickly, filled with a buzz over the champions. Adriana smiled as her thoughts drifted to Harry's success. She hoped Malfoy had learned his lesson about insulting the few Gryffindors that actually tolerated her. As much as she didn't care very much for Harry personally, she tolerated him for Hermione and the Weasely twins. She didn't much care for Ron or Ginny, but they were always civil to her. 

"-lesson was particularly difficult...right, Addie?" Pansy muttered beside her. 

"What, Pans?" 

"Oh, never mind. What were you thinking about?" 

"Nothing important. Were you talking about Snape? Because, I agree. The lessons were brutal today!" 

"Told you. I was about to-," Pansy's string of words was abruptly cut off by the sound of a smack, a moan of pain, and a shout. Adriana and Pansy's heads lifted suddenly and they took off running down the corridor. Crabbe and Goyle rounded the corner and followed in the girl's direction. 

Crabbe and Goyle? What do they care- oh. Malfoy. Adriana's thoughts spun in the direction of the fight ensuing in the halls.

"Don't you ever speak of her that way again! Got it, Malfoy?!" George Weasely's voice carried far, and Adriana was taken aback by the scene in front of her. Fred and Ron were each holding onto Malfoy, and from the looks of it, George had just delivered a rather painful blow. Harry was in the corner, confronting a rather upset Hermione. Malfoy struggled to free himself from Ron and Fred, but it was to no avail. 

"I'll say whatever I please, Weasely. We all know it's true!" He spat. George delivered two more punches before Adriana's anger welled up in her. As much as she and Malfoy detested each other at times, he was from her house and a friend of the family's. She walked right up to George and slapped him hard across the face. She turned her attention to Crabbe and Goyle momentarily, who took the hint and approached Fred and Ron. Both of whom immediately backed off. Malfoy slipped out of their grasp and watched the scene unfold before him. 

"What was that for, Addie?!" George held the side of his face and stumbled back. 

"Don't touch Malfoy, alright?" 

"He was being an arse-" 

"I. Don't. Care. He's still from my house, and house pride comes first. Back off, Weasely," Shocked by her own menace she turned to face Malfoy. "You okay, Draco?" 

Malfoy nodded, confused. He turned on his heel, and ran in the direction of the Slytherin common room, goons in tow. The Gryffindor's were all giving her nasty looks. "I hate you," George spat. "Standing up for that git...what's next? Joining the Death Eaters?" He taunted. 

"Shove off," Adriana spun around, grabbed Pansy's arm, and took off after Malfoy toward the common room. 

Later that evening, students poured into the common room giving Adriana looks of admiration. 

"Heard you smacked the blood traitor!" Blaise grinned and seated himself next to her. She nodded, bringing hoots of laughter from the rest of the Slytherins. "Bet he had it coming, didn't he?" Blaise jeered. They didn't know. They didn't know Malfoy got beat up by Gryffindor's today. She scanned the room, and caught Malfoy sitting atop the stairs next to the boy's dormitory entrance. He shot her a pleading look, his face turning red. 

"That he did. He was calling Slytherin house some awful names, and I had to get involved," Adriana folded her arms. She received some very confused looks from Pansy, Crabbe, and Goyle. She shook her head slightly, and they all caught on- all except Crabbe who still looked confused. Goyle rolled his eyes, took his friend's arm and quietly explained things to him out of ear shot. Nearly five minutes later, Crabbe shook his head and gave Adriana an obnoxious wink accompanied by a "knowing" nod. She stifled a laugh and shot Pansy a smirk. 

After the hubbub died down, Adriana returned to studying. Her eyelids drooped as she read through her Care Of Magical Creatures book. Hagrid's homework assignments were absurd. She dipped her quill in the ink for the hundredth time, and scratched away at her parchment. Someone sat down beside her gingerly, and waited for her to finish writing. Adriana turned and met the eyes of Malfoy. "Always meeting like this, Draco?" 

He smiled slightly. Genuinely, too. "Thank you," he whispered. "For today." Adriana nodded. "I mean it. I really upset them this time," Draco huffed. 

"It's okay. Just be glad I had your back," she punched him lightly on the arm. 

"I am. Seriously. I was a total idiot to confront all of them at once- and with no backup either!" 

"How brave...," Adriana smirked. He rolled his eyes. 

"Thanks. I have another favor to ask," he spoke hesitantly. Adriana raised her eyebrow. "Could I look at your Potions homework? I skipped class." 

"You're not going to copy off me, Draco," Adriana rolled her eyes. "But I will help you write it, if you want. It's not very difficult." 

"Thank you...I've said that a lot tonight. It doesn't quite feel right to say," he scoffed. 

"You really are the biggest prat I've ever come across." 

"I accept your help with the homework, though. So I'm not too proud am I?" 

"Not at all. I'll meet you after lunch in the library tomorrow, alright?" 


"I will not have you lot embarrassing the name of Salazar Slytherin at the Yule Ball," Snape droned. "Mister Filch, if you will," he nodded, and music filled the hall. "Pair up, and practice." Snape couldn't care less. He turned and sank into a chair with a book. 

Adriana stood on her own, watching her house pair off. Goyle took Pansy, much to her chagrin. Crabbe got Millicent, not a bad couple. Blaise was working his way toward Adriana, but someone grabbed her waist and spun her around. Malfoy. Blaise pouted but took the hand of Astoria, and waltzed away. 

Adriana lifted her eyes to meet Draco's glowing gray ones. He was genuinely smiling at her as he grabbed her hand, pulling her onto the dance floor. His hand rested on her waist, hers on his shoulder. He gently pulled her closer to him, whisking her around during the waltz, like he'd done it a million times. The music slowed, and so did they. Her head was resting on one of his shoulders, and his arm was wrapping her close to him. They just stood there, swaying on the spot, the others whirling around them. The music stopped, and he leaned back a bit, forcing her to raise hr head. He tipped her chin up, and pressed his lips to hers. She nearly exploded from the shock...Draco kissing her? Never...She could tell he was smiling, so she returned the kiss. The room went silent, but Blaise sent up a catcall, and Pansy low-whistled. Snape was oblivious. Draco's hand ran up her back to the base of her neck, and her hand was resting on the back of his head. 

He finally pulled back, very slowly. His face was radiant, but he nearly sprinted from the room. She took off out of the room, stumbling into the hallway. What just happened? 

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