Chapter 5

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Adriana looked at the clock next to her bed. Just after lunch....she debated whether or not to show up to the library to help Draco with his essay. After this morning, she was unsure of whether or not he would come. She grabbed her bag and hesitantly left the Slytherin common room. On her walk to the library, people gave her weird looks and some even whispered and smirked. Cho Chang, a Ravenclaw, leaped in front of her in the corridor, a desperate look in her eyes. 

"Is it true?!" 

"Is what true...?" Adriana raised an eyebrow at the girl. 

"You snogged Malfoy today during the dance lesson?" 

"I didn't do any such thing, Chang. He kissed me, yes, but it wasn't a ....what did you call it?" 

Cho rolled her eyes, dodged around Adriana, and continued whispering with her friend Marietta. Adriana straightened the bag strap on her shoulder and jogged down the corridor to the hallway. On her way into the library, she nearly got bowled over by Malfoy himself. 

"Oh...uh, hullo. I didn't expect you to come- I was just checking to see if you were here and you weren't so I was going to leave, but here you are-," he stopped, his face red. "Sorry." He whispered. 

"Sorry for what?" 

"Kissing you. I had no right to do that, and I doubt you even enjoyed it, so-" 

"Let's get to work, shall we?" 

Draco's astonished face gaped open, but he swallowed and nodded, following her into the library. They took a small table in a corner of the library. Adriana dug her book out of her bag, and took a quill and parchment from a stack on the table. She looked up, and met Draco's shining gray eyes. Adriana smiled and flickered her eyes down to her paper. 

"What was it that you needed help with exactly?" Adriana sunk deep into her chair, and saw Draco momentarily grasping at straws. He shrugged. 

"The whole thing, I suppose. I didn't even go to class...," He let out a small, awkward laugh. 

"Okay, well the essay was over the purposes of Felix know what that is, am I correct?" She tilted her head to the side, waiting for her answer. 

"Um, yes. It's liquid luck," he smirked smugly.

"Proud of yourself?" 


"Fine, then. You've got this on your own, I believe," Adriana scooped her book into her bag, rolling her eyes. Draco's face paled a bit, and he reached out to grab her arm. 

"Listen...I didn't ask you here tonight to help me with the essay." 

"You don't say." 

"Merlin, I could've asked Goyle if I was actually desperate for help. I wanted to ask if you would accompany me to the ball on Christmas...?" His eyes were wide as he waited for the response. Adriana smiled slightly, and shook her arm out of his grasp. 

"I'll get back to you on that one, Malfoy," she winked and bounded out of the library, earning a disapproving look from the librarian. A very flustered Draco just stood in the entrance, gaping at her. 

"WHAT?!" Astoria shrieked, and Pansy giggled into her pillow. Adriana was glad Pansy wasn't too jealous of Malfoy asking her. "Addie, the ball is in three days. You have to give him an answer tonight! Do it at dinner! It'll be SO romantic...," Astoria trailed off with a wistful sigh and sank onto her bed. 

Pansy ogled at her. "What are you going to wear? You've got to be stunning, Dolohov. Nothing less!" 

"I will be, Pans," Adriana winked and stood up. "Time for dinner?" 

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