Part 3

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"Oh my goodness! What happened?" nurse Lisa asks panicked when we entered her office.

Colby me looks down at me asking what to say. I shake my head, if anyone knew about Bryce he would be even worse to me.

"She tripped and I found her lying on the ground" Colby says

I'm mouth the words thank you and he sets me down on one of the beds and sits in the chair next to it.

"Nasty fall," the nurse says skeptically. Thankfully she doesn't ask questions. She gives me a quick look over, "Your head is hurt and you're pretty badly brusied, you should rest for a few days.I will have your dad come pick you up."

"But she'll be all okay right?"
Colbys asks nervously. "She'll be fine." Colby  looks at me realived "good." Colby starts to sit down in a chair next to the bed while the nurse interrupts.

"You should head back to class."

"it's lunch time can't I stay? " Colby replied.

"Class starts in a few minutes that's all you get," she instructs him.

Colby tucks the hair that was falling out of my ponytail behind my ear. At first he just looks into my eyes, then he takes my hand.

"Are you doing okay? " he asked looking conserned.

"My head hurts" I say.

"I know I'm sorry love" he says.

"Yes it is.I...I..." he begins to say.

"You can tell me," I say trying to coax whatever he was going to say out of him.

"y/n I lo-"  he begins to say but he is interrupted again by the nurse.

"Colby you should be starting soon I'm sorry to say but it's time to go" nurse Lisa says.

Before leaving Colby says "get some rest love" I smile at him and then he leaves.

I couldn't something about what he was going to say; he lo-?  What was he going to say? At some point I give up on trying to imagine what he was going to say and I think about Bryce. I'm glad that I don't have to see him for a few days, but I'm scared that he'll be meaner to me when I finally get back to school. I cant stop worrying until the day finally comes.

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