Part 4

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When I walk into art class I start to walk over to my usual table, but Colby motions me to sit next to him in the back corner.

I immediately get butterflies in my stomach. I was already nervous to see him,  and now I'm going to sit next to him.

I sit down, give a causal hey and start to take out my sketchbook and pencils.

"Hello love" he replies in an adorable voice

I'm just starting todays assignment, draw anything from the classroom. When Colby finally stops avoiding the obvious.

"How are you feeling?" he asks not looking up from his drawing.

"Fine" I answer.

At last he looks up "Y/n I came to school everyday waiting for you to return just wondering if you are ok. I've been really worried. Please answer me. Are you alright?" Colby asks very seriously.

I have to think about my response he isn't going to settle for a one word answer "Under the circumstances I'm doing great" I settle on at last.

We sketch for a few more minutes I'm almost done drawing the plant at the front of the room when he says something again.

"You aren't going back at lunch are you?" he blurts out.

"He doesn't know I'm back at school yet but you know I'll have to when he does Colby. if I  I don't go he will find me in the halls or after school where there will be a crowd to watch, its better this way" I say.

I cant look at him, cant see the disappointment on his face. I keep drawing.

He gets frustrated that I won't look at him and he gently tilts my chin so we're staring into each other's eyes. Im surprised his face isn't filled as much with disappointment as sympathy and sadness.

"I cant let you go back there, I cant see you get her like that again, love. You need to tell someone or I will" he says, looking more serious than I have ever seen him.

"Please! Please don't tell! He will think I told on him and be even worse to me. You cant please understand that this is my problem not yours, I- I- l can handle it" I beg him.

"Times up class. Once you post your sketch on the board you can head to lunch" our teacher, Mr Castee tells the class.

Colby put his drawing up I'm shocked.

"You drew me?" I asked him quietly. It's a picture of today while I was drawing but I it almost doesnt seem like me. Colby turned me into a completely different person, she looks confident and beautiful. "I look different."

"No, you look beautiful. I drew you exactly how you look."

"Well, thankyou."

"if you insist on going again at least let me come with you" he asks abruptly changing the subject.

"That's sweet but this isn't your-"

Colby puts a finger on my lips stopping meid sentence. He takes my face in his hands and looks at me with his big blue ocean eyes. "I'm not taking no for an anwser." is he takes my hand and we start walking towards the lunchroom.

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