Chapter Seven

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It was a few days later, and of course, Jade did ponder what Joey had to say. Of course, her head came up with a resounding no, she would not and would never put her heart into something as vial as the Trials. The day was particularly stressful at the school, and she felt at the edge of tears. She made sure to stay well away from the Trio during the school day. Perhaps it was a combination of stress and her mother still holding her at a distance, but Jade found herself walking toward the studio instead of home.

I can find a place to be alone here, right? She asked herself as she looked up at the building looming over her. Glancing around to make sure she didn't have anyone's direct attention and to make sure no one had been following her, she opened the heavy door and stepped inside. After she was inside the building, she closed the door behind her as she felt the subconscious eyes opening again, giving her a glimpse at everyone's location. She was alone on Trial One grounds, and for this, she felt fortunate.

She walked carefully over to Henry's desk and sat down in the chair, looking at the looming sign over it. How on Earth do I get out of this mess? Please, someone, help me. She buried her head in her arms. I can't get out of this on my own. This thought was overwhelming, causing an episode of mourning in her solitary sorrows. Why did it have to be me?

She could faintly pick up the sound of piano below her, and recalling the distance between her location and Trial Two on a vertical scale, she knew it had to be fortissimo or louder. The quick succession of notes told her this wasn't a song played with this volume by mistake. About as quickly as it started, it stopped for a moment before picking up again. This sudden pause confused Jade a bit until she realized. Whoever was playing was playing an off-key version of Moonlight Sonata, and every pause came just after a wrong note, or the realization that it is off-key in the first place.

Is there not any sheet music? I assume that's Sammy playing down there. . . he's the only one who knows music that I know of. Plus the area is right. She attempted to focus on the music, but it was hard when it seemed to stop every minute or so. Eventually, the music just stopped coming.

Oh well. . . it was nice while it lasted. She sighed to herself in her loneliness, her only companion of the melody no longer lingering in her mind.

Once more, her solitude would not last forever. This came in the form of Inky's presence looming over her, making her freeze like a block of ice.

"Kid," his growly voice started, making her blood run cold. "Can I talk to you for a second?"

Her instincts told her to just nod and listen, but then she remembered the scar over his eyes. He couldn't see. "Uh. . . sure." She struggled to keep her voice from cracking out of fear, turning to look at him with some hesitance in her movements.

"Sorry if we made a bad first impression when you met us. If we could help it, this whole mess never would have happened." As he spoke, he motioned to the Trial sign behind her. "We have about as much choice in this matter that you do."

Which is none at all, it seems like. She thought as she listened.

"I have a small favor to ask of you."

". . . go ahead. . ." She was almost nervous about hearing of the favor from the Ink Demon.

"Sammy feels like he hasn't been given a good enough chance to apologize for what happened. He feels awful about it. If you could visit us down there, that would really make his day." He kept his voice as gentle as he could manage it, but no matter how hard he tried, the growl was still present.

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