Chapter Fourteen

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In the times after stories so intimate and deep about each other, the group seemed further driven to try harder. They were progressing nicely, the chases putting them under less and less stress. Over time, however, it became clearer that all the effort Jade was putting in with refusal to rest was starting to take its toll, the dark circles under her eyes only getting darker. It got to the point that even Inky insisted she needed rest, mainly by carrying her and sitting her down in a chair, her protests pushed aside. She had ended up nodding off a couple of times when this happened. Staying awake during the school day was a struggle as well, but she was determined to do so, make the appearance that everything was alright.

Ethan's training went as normal, say for the subtle signs of misery from him drawing Jade and Boris's attention. She tried to offer him comfort, but without knowing of his inner demons, her attempts were only so successful.

It was about a month later when Ethan pulled her aside for a chat, leaving Boris a short distance away to eat his lunch in temporary solitude. It was clear that what he was about to say required a careful contemplation of the words to say.

"Jade... let me talk to you about something. What I'm about to tell you, never tell it to anyone else, ok?"

"Of course, it's safe with me, friend." She replied calmly, listening carefully to his next words.

He took a deep breath. "You know Maybell? That girl who went missing back in January?"

That name alone messed with Jade's heart. "I remember." She could barely keep her voice even. "She... still hasn't returned... has she?"

Ethan shook his head solemnly to answer what she already knew. "She... she's my half sister..."

Now that caught her off guard. It was suddenly much harder to hide how much this conversation was hurting her, weight pressing itself on her chest. "She... is? I thought you were an only child..."

"Everyone thinks so. I want to keep it that way."

"Why?" She inquired.

"I don't know... it just feels like you look stronger that way, being in your own island, no one to confide in." He replied, his tone calmly dull. "That was you, wasn't it?"

"It still kind of is, honestly." Her admission came quietly. "I've learned that even with someone around... there's some things you'd... just rather not tell."

"Understandable," he murmured softly.

"If you don't mind me asking... why now? I mean... why tell me about Maybell?"

"It's something I had to get off my chest," he admitted. "It was just sitting there, making me feel awful, so I had to let it out to someone, so I chose you. In truth, you make me think a lot about her, Jade." Ethan spoke with a reminiscent sort of pain filled tone. "You're kind and dedicated to bettering yourself, like she is."

Jade's heart ached intensely with the desire to meet someone she knew didn't even know herself now. She could almost feel Maybell's presence standing in the same place she was, but it was ghostly and faint, mixed deeply into imagination.

"And now I want to help you for that reason. She was dedicated to getting better, and now I have the chance to help someone achieve that."

Ethan's words were a hammer to shatter her glass heart. She forced a smile, trying to conceal the tears that were most definitely forming in her eyes. "Thank you," her quiet voice trembled. It took every ounce of strength she possessed to force a smile. "I'll try my hardest."

He gave a small nod of appreciation, a soft smile gracing his expression to the promise of her best effort. "I know you'll do great," he murmured in the gentlest tone she had ever known him to speak with.

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