Chapter Seventeen

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The wolf could sense the anger brewing within Jade as the next couple of days passed. Norman couldn't get much out of her other than a glare or the occasional brief and bitter "hey." It was almost painful to watch, but he couldn't exactly blame her.

He had no idea how he'd react in a situation such as hers, after all. Knowing that the very people she was supposed to be able to trust with no doubts built a world upon a false foundation, one which would crumble with one small mistake, one misroll of the dice.

Her stability about it all seemed to be slowly crumbling, and he didn't have much idea of how to help. Maybe it was an emotional thing, something that had to run its course as it solidified as a fact in her mind.

It was like a facade she was keeping up for his sake, like she hoped he wouldn't notice her struggling with it, but he could see it. She wasn't good like her true father was with showing no emotion.

Somehow, she acted even more distant to her mother than before, refusing to do much anything to acknowledge here mere presence. Joey was a different case, receiving constant glares and acknowledgments of hated whenever he came around. It seemed his friend would get close, oh, so dangerously close to exploding in their presence, releasing what she kept pent up inside.

Finally, one day, she would reach her breaking point. It was one of those days where Joey required a workout in the gymnasium they usually went to for training. Jade's usual nerves about being in the same place as him for a prolonged period of time seemed to have evaporated, replaced with bitter resentment and determination to focus on that, to make herself stronger for it. Maybe a little too much persistence, as she left the wolf in the dust in the initial laps.

Joey seemed pleased that she was making so much progress, well, as much as one could gather from a man who showed so little. All he got in return for it from Jade, though, was a bitter glare.

Soon enough, however, was time for the first break. Jade seemed to have fallen back into the old habit of putting the best forward without regard to enduring the entire workout, and now she was left panting as a result, trying to recover what she had used. Boris approached and gently patted her shoulder, a little worn out himself.

He looked around to the others, seeing what they were doing during the break. It was also mainly to see if anyone was watching before he'd take off his sweater, as it was uncomfortably warm to wear it in here.

Sasha had called out to Joey about something pertaining to the workout and was jogging over to him to discuss it, while Tyler and Trysten were both engaged in a conversation over by the bleachers.

With this, he pulled off his sweater and resolved to tying it around his waist, as he still didn't want to just leave it somewhere. That sweater was very important to him.

"Stay here," Jade suddenly said to the wolf. "I've got to talk to Joey."

"Why?" A helpless tingle of fear caught up in him.

"... you know... what happened recently? With Norman?" It seemed she wanted to avoid directly saying it. He couldn't blame her, though.

"Ja-" before Boris could get a single word out, Jade gently took his hands.

"Trust me... I know what I'm about to do." She let him go and approached the leader of the session. Boris watched, fearful and helpless to push it down. He couldn't help but tremble a bit. Would Joey be angry? Would he hurt her? Fear stuck roots to the bottom of his boots, leaving him unable to move and only able to take in more of it.

Sasha turned and greeted Jade with a glare, but she seemed to block the red-head entirely from her vision. Sasha wasn't happy while Joey, the person she had gone to see, looked at her with curious yet cold eyes.

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